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V7 beta release available for testing

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  • Brittany
    Can I delete the main html template so when it uploads it will not change the look i have

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  • Brittany
    The perfect search engine software.
    1# A select all button for the urls, So one can set attribs for all urls like scan single page or seating it as a default , As this can be crazy to do this when one has 100 url's to set,there gos your day

    2# New search option to add a search img, so one can search img. just like Google Lycos bing has, big time needed This will help one competing with the big boys on the block

    3# A confirmation box on the delete url . Big time

    4# A option to pick your own limitations on php or java the exceeds your limitation,

    5# A better pic option beside the search results As one should not have to set this up when a url is scanned a default pic for that url is shown beside the search results as many people identify a search result by picture, some more support for ones that are out to catalog the net.

    6# A skip button if your spider is stuck or cataloging way to much of one url, One click and it moves to the next url to search . this would be the worlds greatest software and i am shear many of your costumers would full agree with me.

    7# category's should be in there own folders , net ,apps, news, internet,programs, but i am not shear if it dos this now, have not tried out this option yet

    ONE more thing 9# To have a spider added to out put folder, So it keep spidering and updating what you have already cataloged, So one would not have to keep doing it from the counsel , This option would be nice extremely nice and easy to implement with php ASP java
    Last edited by Brittany; Dec-18-2013, 05:17 PM.

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  • Peter
    Originally posted by wrensoft View Post
    No. The order is not defined in the case where two documents are scored equally, but in practice I think the document that was indexed first will appear first.
    I think it would be a good idea to have a date parameter in the weightings, so that newer documents are ranked higher, wouldn't it?

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  • David
    if the number of terms matched and the score is the same, will then the result be sorted by date?
    No. The order is not defined in the case where two documents are scored equally, but in practice I think the document that was indexed first will appear first.

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  • Peter
    Originally posted by wrensoft View Post
    Got the file, and yes it looks like it is a bug in the Javascript search option with document dates in offline mode. Unfortunately with Christmas coming up it will be 1 week of Jan before we will release a fix.
    OK, then I'll have to wait.
    BTW, in the case the results are sorted by relevance, if the number of terms matched and the score is the same, will then the result be sorted by date?


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  • David
    Originally posted by Peter View Post
    The files are all on my local HDD, and they surely have different time stamps.
    Thank you very much for your support, I will send a sample ZIP-file.
    Got the file, and yes it looks like it is a bug in the Javascript search option with document dates in offline mode. Unfortunately with Christmas coming up it will be 1 week of Jan before we will release a fix.

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  • Peter
    Hello Ray,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Originally posted by Ray View Post
    Given that you say your non PDF files are also reporting this date, I would speculate the following:
    (a) Are you indexing in Spider Mode, and using dynamically generated pages such as PHP pages which are also serving the PDF files? If so, it is possible that it is reporting the date of the PHP file, rather than the files or content being served.
    - I am using the Javascript search (sorry, I should have mentioned it). I tested it with PDF or static HTML pages.
    Originally posted by Ray View Post
    (b) Have you mixed files from different sessions? Make sure ALL files listed at the end of indexing (in the "Required Files" window) are uploaded and overwritten the old files.
    - The files are all on my local HDD, and they surely have different time stamps.

    Originally posted by Ray View Post
    (c) If you still have trouble, zip up the search files (and your config file) and e-mail them to us and we can take a look.
    - Thank you very much for your support, I will send a sample ZIP-file.

    Originally posted by Ray View Post
    The number of terms matched has priority weighting over the score. So "Terms matched: 2 -- Score: 50" can outrank "Terms matched: 1 -- Score: 55".
    - OK, understood.


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  • Ray
    Originally posted by Dez View Post
    I have indexed a site where a likely search term will be 'recall a message' the problem is that when selecting the result from the results list (which does disregard the noise word 'a') the word 'a' is still highlighted on the page by the 'Jump to match highlight' feature.

    The specific problem with this is that on many pages the word 'a' much higher up the page than the more important words and it's these that the is user is directed to first with sometimes no view (until they skip down the page) of the most important words, in this case 'recall' and 'message'.

    Will this be addressed in the next version?
    The "jump to highlighting" feature has no awareness of the Skip List (or synonyms for that matter). This is a technical problem -- the "jump to highlighting" script is planted on each of your web pages. It has to be light and as compatible with as many pages as possible. For it to do the extra work of accessing the skip words list from the index, alot of extra things would have to happen for such a seemingly "simple" idea. For example, perhaps the "search.php" script will take a special AJAX query to return the skip list (retrieved from the dictionary), and every time anyone accesses ANY of your web pages, your server will have to handle the load of performing said query and accessing the skip list. Another option would be to generate a static list to be included with the highlight.js file. But then this would have to be maintained regularly.

    Short answer: it's not a simple practical solution. We'll keep it in mind for future changes, especially if there's enough demand for it. But alot of people don't quite realize what it involves in terms of either resources or the maintenance side of it, and once they realize that, are less keen for it.

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  • Ray
    Peter -- sorry for missing your posts. Somehow the forum did not indicate they were new posts to me, alongside some of the spam posts we regularly get, we sometimes miss the actual new posts.

    Originally posted by Peter View Post
    I think there are 2 bugs in PDF search of V7 Beta.

    1. The date sort is not working because the date given in the result page is always the same. It is always '16.Nov. 2012' (at least on my indexes).
    Given that you say your non PDF files are also reporting this date, I would speculate the following:
    (a) Are you indexing in Spider Mode, and using dynamically generated pages such as PHP pages which are also serving the PDF files? If so, it is possible that it is reporting the date of the PHP file, rather than the files or content being served.
    (b) Have you mixed files from different sessions? Make sure ALL files listed at the end of indexing (in the "Required Files" window) are uploaded and overwritten the old files.
    (c) If you still have trouble, zip up the search files (and your config file) and e-mail them to us and we can take a look.

    Originally posted by Peter View Post
    2. Sort by relevance is also not correctly working, because it is not correctly sorted according to the score.
    Some higher scores can be found rather low in the list.
    The number of terms matched has priority weighting over the score. So "Terms matched: 2 -- Score: 50" can outrank "Terms matched: 1 -- Score: 55".

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  • Dez

    I am finding an issue in this new version with 'skipped' words being highlighted when selecting a search result and using the 'Jump to match highlight' feature.

    I have indexed a site where a likely search term will be 'recall a message' the problem is that when selecting the result from the results list (which does disregard the noise word 'a') the word 'a' is still highlighted on the page by the 'Jump to match highlight' feature.

    The specific problem with this is that on many pages the word 'a' much higher up the page than the more important words and it's these that the is user is directed to first with sometimes no view (until they skip down the page) of the most important words, in this case 'recall' and 'message'.

    Will this be addressed in the next version?

    Many thanks

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  • Peter
    Unfortunately nobody replies to my previous post.

    Does nobody else have got this problem?

    I have tested it on a different machine and it is the same, also for HTML files (Date 16 Nov 2012, always).
    I even tried to use .desc files, but no avail.

    Am I doing something wrong?


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  • Peter
    I think there are 2 bugs in PDF search of V7 Beta.

    1. The date sort is not working because the date given in the result page is always the same. It is always '16.Nov. 2012' (at least on my indexes).

    2. Sort by relevance is also not correctly working, because it is not correctly sorted according to the score.
    Some higher scores can be found rather low in the list.

    Could you please check that.



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  • Ray
    Not sure what you're asking for. But Zoom V6 supports image searching and you can display the results as just thumbnails in a grid manner like what you see here:

    This is described here:

    More details on image indexing here:

    As for competing with Google and Bing -- you may want to note that Google is running on over 2 million dedicated servers, and Steve Balmer reported that Microsoft is running on over 1 million dedicated servers. How many dedicated servers do you have available?

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  • Brittany
    The big thing is to have a pictures collected it is there cant be hard to have them put in a folder to be shown with out meta info as a collection of pics like Google and bing , yes i am out to compete lets see what zoom can do, Is there time left to get this in v7 as its kinda there if it would just fill up a folder of picks that is is denying do to no meta

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  • johan
    thx, mailed

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