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V8 beta release now available

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  • #16
    Tapio -- can you confirm that you are:
    1) Using the CGI platform option (and if so which OS in particular, e.g. CGI/Win32)
    2) Have updated the search index with V8 making sure to update all .zdat files and also the search.cgi as generated by Zoom V8.

    If you have confirmed the above, would it be possible to zip up your test case with the small files and your indexer configuration and email this to us. We can then try to reproduce the situation here.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #17
      I just emailed you some sample files with the Zoom v8b2 configuration file. Hope you are able to reproduce the situation.
      I use PHP platform, which I can fairly easily modify to meet my needs. My PC is Win10, 64bit.


      • #18
        Have replied to you via email. Bug is confirmed and fixed for the next release. Please see your email for a patch.
        Wrensoft Web Software
        Sydney, Australia
        Zoom Search Engine


        • #19
          V8 beta 3 is now available here.

          - Fixed bugs with FTP (sitemap uploading, file size declaration to FTP server, etc.)
          - Fixed crash bugs relating to multi-thread timing issues with curl
          - Fixed bugs with CGI on Linux and BSD with various behavior caused by incorrect data types
          - Fixed bugs with thread status showing incorrect information
          - Added debug log for HTTP curl issues (enable Debug Mode to write to "indexlog_curl.log")
          Wrensoft Web Software
          Sydney, Australia
          Zoom Search Engine


          • #20
            Presumably this is a bit late for a feature request, but could we have extensible dialog boxes whose text boxes extend to fit?

            Am testing the v8 beta 3. I noticed that dialog boxes still have fixed dimensions, which for me at least, makes it a pain to maintain, add, delete or otherwise tweak my numerous long file system or http start paths; long, multiple strings for scan extensions, skip options, exclusion filters, category lists, synonyms, and recommended links, etc.

            Because I cannot at least visually scan such long strings in text boxes and list-boxes for inconsistencies --and in this the scroll function is of no help-- I basically do this as well as most of configuration directly in Zoom's configuration files, with a text editor, to save time, reduce data entry errors, and maintain coherency across multiple configurations for a half dozen search engines.

            Other than that so far so good, and indexing is indeed very much faster, both spider and offline modes. Haven't compared search results yet, though.

            Running Windows 10 Entreprise 64 bits, 20 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, Intel Core i5 @ 2.40GHz.


            • #21
              Well noted, and certainly something that's lacking. We'll see what changes in this area we can squeeze in along the way (or even after beta).
              Wrensoft Web Software
              Sydney, Australia
              Zoom Search Engine


              • #22
                The three bars to tab between the views are small, can they be bigger?

                Robert Isaac
                Volvo Owners Club


                • #23
                  Complement & a 'bug'


                  I can attest to the speed. Our index time with v6 was 38 mins and now it is less than 20 minutes.

                  Possible bug
                  I am having an issue with the categories

                  It does not seem to be picking up the meta tags i.e.
                  <meta name="ZOOMCATEGORY" content="Job">
                  Note we are jumping from v6 to v8


                  • #24
                    Category bug with search results?

                    On the results page, I am getting 2 "All" Options (see screenshots)
                    Results Page and Settings

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	2alls.JPG
Views:	318
Size:	11.5 KB
ID:	35545

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	2alls-settings.JPG
Views:	272
Size:	58.5 KB
ID:	35546

                    Note:We have 6.x and 8.x installed on the same server
                    6.x version works as it should
                    8.x version getting 2 "All" options


                    • #25
                      In your screenshot, you seem to have checked the option "Catch files not belonging to a category in:" and specified "All".

                      This would indeed cause an additional category labelled "All" as you have found. By default, this is specified as "Misc."

                      This option does not take an existing category name. It creates a new category for all the files that do not belong to a category.

                      If you want files that do not belong to a category to be found when "All" is selected, simply leave this option unchecked.

                      This should be the same behaviour in V6 so I am not sure why it would behave differently.

                      Are you still having problems with the ZOOMCATEGORY meta tag? If you are using Spider Mode, make sure to check "Reload all files (do not use cache)" under "Configure"->"Spider options". If you still have trouble, send us your ZCFG file. If you are indexing in Offline Mode, you may need to send us some example files with this meta tag so we can try to reproduce the problem here.
                      Wrensoft Web Software
                      Sydney, Australia
                      Zoom Search Engine


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Ray View Post
                        In your screenshot, you seem to have checked the option "Catch files not belonging to a category in:" and specified "All".

                        This would indeed cause an additional category labelled "All" as you have found. By default, this is specified as "Misc."

                        This option does not take an existing category name. It creates a new category for all the files that do not belong to a category.

                        If you want files that do not belong to a category to be found when "All" is selected, simply leave this option unchecked.

                        This should be the same behaviour in V6 so I am not sure why it would behave differently.

                        Are you still having problems with the ZOOMCATEGORY meta tag? If you are using Spider Mode, make sure to check "Reload all files (do not use cache)" under "Configure"->"Spider options". If you still have trouble, send us your ZCFG file. If you are indexing in Offline Mode, you may need to send us some example files with this meta tag so we can try to reproduce the problem here.
                        Hi Ray -

                        I should have clarified. I am seeing 2 "all" options which is new behavior in this version


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ray View Post
                          In your screenshot, you seem to have checked the option "Catch files not belonging to a category in:" and specified "All".

                          This would indeed cause an additional category labelled "All" as you have found. By default, this is specified as "Misc."

                          This option does not take an existing category name. It creates a new category for all the files that do not belong to a category.

                          If you want files that do not belong to a category to be found when "All" is selected, simply leave this option unchecked.

                          This should be the same behaviour in V6 so I am not sure why it would behave differently.

                          Are you still having problems with the ZOOMCATEGORY meta tag? If you are using Spider Mode, make sure to check "Reload all files (do not use cache)" under "Configure"->"Spider options". If you still have trouble, send us your ZCFG file. If you are indexing in Offline Mode, you may need to send us some example files with this meta tag so we can try to reproduce the problem here.
                          We double checked the spider options and are still getting the same results with the Categories not being reflected in the results.
                          • Reload all files (do not use cache) - Is Checked
                          • Categories work when we use a pattern but it will not pick up any of the categories via meta tags - let me know if you want me to send you the config files

                          <meta name="ZOOMCATEGORY" content="Company">​​​​​​​


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by entcareers View Post

                            Hi Ray -

                            I should have clarified. I am seeing 2 "all" options which is new behavior in this version
                            Yes, that was exactly what I was addressing.

                            This is definitely the expected behaviour if you have set the "Catch files not belonging to a category in" option and entered in "All" as we can see in your screenshot. Please re-read my last comment for detail.
                            Wrensoft Web Software
                            Sydney, Australia
                            Zoom Search Engine


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by entcareers View Post
                              <meta name="ZOOMCATEGORY" content="Company">
                              Confirmed that there is a bug with picking up ZOOMCATEGORY meta tags in the current beta. This will be fixed in the next release.
                              Wrensoft Web Software
                              Sydney, Australia
                              Zoom Search Engine


                              • #30
                                The most recent V8 beta expired on 28/Feb/2019.

                                We are working our hardest to get the public (non beta) release of V8 out and we expect to have this available on 4/March/2019.

                                There will be a few days where the beta will be inoperable (expired) until the final release is available to replace it.

                                We apologies for the inconvenience.
                                Wrensoft Web Software
                                Sydney, Australia
                                Zoom Search Engine

