Today the engine does not properly index words split over a line break.
Let us consider the following examples (where // stands for a line break) :
I suggest that in the case where an hyphen is followed by a line break, two index entries are added : the whole word or expression with and without hyphen, i.e. here :
Would that be possible in a future release ?
Let us consider the following examples (where // stands for a line break) :
consti-//tution ; family-//owned
The engine will index "consti", "tution", "family", "owned", but not "constitution" nor "family-owned".I suggest that in the case where an hyphen is followed by a line break, two index entries are added : the whole word or expression with and without hyphen, i.e. here :
constitution, consti-tution
familyowned, family-owned
which would I think solve the problem in all cases.familyowned, family-owned
Would that be possible in a future release ?