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image result thumbail

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  • image result thumbail


    I have a customize image associated to the "images results".
    I need to know in witch file there are the information about my custom image path stored.

    I upload the image to my server inside the main zoomsearh folder.
    When I use the search engine "offline" I can see the image. But I can't see the image if I'm using "online" search engine.

  • #2
    When you can't see the image can you see an image placeholder (e.g. a square where the image should be with a little red cross in it)


    • #3
      It depends on the image paths you've specified in your configuration.

      As mentioned by kpa above, there should be an image placeholder shown by the browser. You can right click on that and get image URL or get information about it in most browsers. Then you can determine which path you've specified for the image to be located in.

      Failing that you can also right click and "View source" on the search results page, and inspect what <img src="..."> tags are generated and what path it is pointing at for the image.
      Wrensoft Web Software
      Sydney, Australia
      Zoom Search Engine


      • #4

        I start again from "zero", create a new template, all nice configured...
        I try the search engine "offline" using a Xampp virtual server and all runs fine and ok.
        After upload all the files to my server (online) everytime I try to search something, the result it's a blank and empty page...


        • #5
          Are you using the PHP or CGI version?

          It is very likely your live server has limits applied to the execution of scripts. See this forum thread for more information and a test script you can use to test if this is the case:

          Wrensoft Web Software
          Sydney, Australia
          Zoom Search Engine


          • #6

            If I change the new "search.php" file with an old one, it works fine but I don't have image thumbail....



            • #7
              Sorry, if I change the new "settings.php" with an old one....

              Originally posted by djakerberg View Post

              If I change the new "search.php" file with an old one, it works fine but I don't have image thumbail....



              • #8
                Ok, the trouble was with the string "$NumPages = xxxx;"

                If this number is higher than "8000" I got a blank page.

                Thanks for your help !!!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by djakerberg View Post
                  Ok, the trouble was with the string "$NumPages = xxxx;"

                  If this number is higher than "8000" I got a blank page.

                  Thanks for your help !!!!!
                  This sounds like the issue I linked you to above.

                  That is, your server has a limit placed on how much memory can be used. So when the number of pages indexed is increased, more memory is used and your server enforced limit kicks in and shuts down the script processing.

                  Again, if you go to the thread I linked you to, you will find the 5th post down will give you an example PHP script that allows you to pinpoint this problem. And indicate that it is not a problem with Zoom itself, as your web server configuration.

                  Then you can talk to your web hosting company and ask them to address this.

                  Please note that using or editing a "settings.php" file from a previous index means you have corrupted the index integrity and we cannot guarantee how the search engine will behave when you do this. It is not recommended usage. If you wish to limit your index to less than 8000 pages to accomodate the limitations of your web server, then specify this limit within the indexer under "Configure"->"Limits" instead.
                  Wrensoft Web Software
                  Sydney, Australia
                  Zoom Search Engine

