Dear Wrensoft Team!
We have been testing the new V7 Zoom Search.
The Autocomplete function would be a nice feature to have, the current implementation is less than optimal though from our point of view.
Manual entry of word suggestions is quite tedious.
Activating the option for parsing the logfile that lists search queries that users entered makes no real sense either. This logfile contains words that are spelled wrong, words that do not occur anywhere on the website and words that should not show up in autocomplete suggestions (like "porn" and so on.)
What we think would be a better approach is to use the zoom_dictionary.zdat file as the wordlist for autocomplete by default.
This file contains a huge amount of words that were indexed from the actual website. So they all occur on the website and there is a much wider range of words compared to the searchwords logfile.
Obviously one could take the dictionary file, clean it from things that are not words, and copy that into the manual entry box.
This would have to be done every day though, since we index every day and there might be new words on new pages. And the manual entry box has a character limit that is lower than our zoom_dictionary.zdats content length. So thats not really a solution for us.
It would be great to hear from you about this.
We have been testing the new V7 Zoom Search.
The Autocomplete function would be a nice feature to have, the current implementation is less than optimal though from our point of view.
Manual entry of word suggestions is quite tedious.
Activating the option for parsing the logfile that lists search queries that users entered makes no real sense either. This logfile contains words that are spelled wrong, words that do not occur anywhere on the website and words that should not show up in autocomplete suggestions (like "porn" and so on.)
What we think would be a better approach is to use the zoom_dictionary.zdat file as the wordlist for autocomplete by default.
This file contains a huge amount of words that were indexed from the actual website. So they all occur on the website and there is a much wider range of words compared to the searchwords logfile.
Obviously one could take the dictionary file, clean it from things that are not words, and copy that into the manual entry box.
This would have to be done every day though, since we index every day and there might be new words on new pages. And the manual entry box has a character limit that is lower than our zoom_dictionary.zdats content length. So thats not really a solution for us.
It would be great to hear from you about this.