I have some content that dynamically adds ZOOMCATEGORY meta data to a page based on certain variables (eg, sort of like tags for a blog post). I'd like for users to be able to initiate a search via a link for a specific ZOOMCATEGORY (eg, "Test Zoom Category"). I know I could put that string into the zoom_query parameter, but that will still end up including pages that lack the specified ZOOMCATEGORY.
Is there a Query String parameter that lets me search for a particular ZOOMCATEGORY, without knowing the zoom_cat #, and/or if a given ZOOMCATEGORY has not been defined in the Zoom Settings as a category that can be Filtered on (but there still are pages with this ZOOMCATEGORY meta data)? Or should I just be using Custom Meta Fields ( https://www.zoomsearchengine.com/zoo...ta_fields.html ) for this?
I'm on V7.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Is there a Query String parameter that lets me search for a particular ZOOMCATEGORY, without knowing the zoom_cat #, and/or if a given ZOOMCATEGORY has not been defined in the Zoom Settings as a category that can be Filtered on (but there still are pages with this ZOOMCATEGORY meta data)? Or should I just be using Custom Meta Fields ( https://www.zoomsearchengine.com/zoo...ta_fields.html ) for this?
I'm on V7.
Thanks in advance for any help!
