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Odd result

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  • Odd result

    When I do a search among the expected results is the following.

    No title vti_encoding:SR|utf8-nl vti_author:SR|MOVIE\\Rick vti_modifiedby:SR|PDF-1\\Rick vti_timelastmodified:TR|07 Jan 2019 22:56:53 -0000 vti_timecreated...

    It started after I did a reload with V7.1 In a couple of cases there were several these showing different results.

  • #2
    Most likely a corrupt index.

    Make sure you uploaded ALL the files listed at the end of indexing in a window titled "Required Files".

    Make sure you uploaded them to the correct folder on your web server

    Make sure you are not accidentally (because of the above) mixing files from different sessions (e.g. you only uploaded some files to the correct folder, and it's using some of the older files)

    Make sure you are uploading with BINARY mode if you are using a 3rd party FTP program.

    If you still have problems, zip up the index files and email them to us.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      Sorry I didn't provide all the needed information: ZOOM is used on a intranet with W10 OS. I use javascript. Its purpose is to search movies and tv shows located on the networks computers.


      • #4
        On further investigation, that format of content ("vti_encoding") appears to be from FrontPage (or Sharepoint) temporary files in the "_vti_cnf" subfolders.

        This means you are indexing temporary files from FrontPage which are not part of your site content.

        You can exclude these folders by simply checking the option under "Configure"->"Skip options"->"Skip files or directories that begin with an underscore" (this is on by default)

        Or add the "\_vti_cnf" folder to your "Page and folder skip list"
        Wrensoft Web Software
        Sydney, Australia
        Zoom Search Engine


        • #5
          Thanks Ray I'll give that a try

