Sorry for the delay in getting to this message. It's posted in the old V6 forums, and we must've missed it. Please note that if you are using the latest version, you should post in the V7 forum.
Not too sure about your description of the problem -- can you elaborate what you mean by "a short moment". Is this like a minute or two, or is this after you click on a few other links (in which case, which link?)
Also, which highlighting are you referring to? Is it the highlighting within the list of search results (i.e. the "Results for ...." page), or the highlighting on the content pages themselves?
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Highlight/Jump Option not working
Highlight/Jump Option not working
Hi iīm trying to include now this great feature, but i have a problem. when i search a defined word, ZS shows me only for a short moment the highlighted word, after that itīs gone and the html is shown as "normal" (as there wouldnīt be a highlight option). so the script works, but only for short...?
funny is, that i remember that i tried it some weeks ago and it worked.
thank you
michaelTags: None
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