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Incorrect search result description

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  • Ray
    This is usually dependant on the text layer stored within the PDF file.

    You can try a different scan method for PDF files -- under "Configure"->"Scan options" and double click on the ".pdf" extension. You can then change the "Scan Method" to either "presentation layout", "raw formatting order" or "text layer". And see which one works better for your files.

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  • IDI
    Just to reiterate, the search results are reading across the newspapers and not down the columns. Is there a setting in the search that is making this happen?


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  • IDI
    started a topic Incorrect search result description

    Incorrect search result description

    The problem is when I get my highlighted search result, the words around it do not match the actual sentence in the PDF. s&zoom_per_page=10&zoom_and=0&zoom_cat%5B%5D=86

    Click search result number 3: 2001-05-24

    When searching these newspapers, you will see that the sentence in the description does not match the sentence in the newspaper. It seems the description is reading across the newspaper into the next column or in this case an entirely different article on the newspaper. Although the sentence around the search term inside the PDF on the left hand side has the correct words around it.

    Is this a glitch or perhaps a setting that needs to be changed??
