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Converting to Windows 7 OS

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  • Ray
    The output directory (where the ".zdat" files are written to) does not need to match the plugin directory. So I'm not sure what you meant in the above.

    Again, the output directory can be any folder that you like, so long as you have read/write access to it.

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  • pweb
    Thanks for the help. When I downloaded the "Complete plugins package for V7", the "correct folder" that the plugins were installed into was: C:\ProgramData\Wrensoft\Zoom Search Engine Indexer\plugins. So, I changed the output directory to the corresponding C:\ProgramData\Wrensoft\Zoom Search Engine Indexer, and everything worked fine.

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  • Ray
    1) The folder that your .zdat files will be written out to is specified by you as the "Output directory" on the Start options screen. So yes, any folder you select which you have write access to is fine.

    2) Download and install the "Complete plugins installer package for V7" at the top of this page (the green button):

    It is a self installing executable and will automatically install the plugins in the correct folder.

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  • pweb
    started a topic Converting to Windows 7 OS

    Converting to Windows 7 OS

    I've just recently set up a new PC which runs the Windows 7 OS. When I installed the Zoom Search tool last October on a XP system, everything worked fairly smoothly, but not yet with this new OS. So, I have a couple of questions:

    1) Is there a specific folder and location on my C:\ drive where I can copy my .zdat files? On XP they used to be in C:\Document Settings\All Users\Application Data\Wrensoft\Zoom Search Engine Indexer. I don't have this folder structure On Windows 7, so I put them in C:\Users\My Name\Documents\Wrensoft\Zoom Search Engine Indexer. Will this a problem?

    2) Also, I need to download the .pdf plug-in again from your website. Is there a specific place these plug in files need to go? I can't seem to get the plug-in installed properly.

    I'd sure appreciate any suggestions.
