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Pre-sales question on v. 6...

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  • Ray
    1) There's no breadcrumb feature as such, but you may be able to get something close to it by using the Categories feature.

    If you have a Category specified for each subject in descending order, when a search result appears, the categories it belongs to appear next to the title. e.g.

    1. Tivoli CD Player [Electronics] [Audio/Visual] [CD players]

    Perhaps this could be enough? You would also then have a dropdown box that allows the user to narrow their searches by the category as need be. (or it can be hidden if not needed)

    2) There's been an active community of RoboHelp users that use Zoom for this purpose. The most useful resource is probably Peter Grainge's tutorial here:

    It was written several versions ago, so things may not be precisely where they are, but it's a good reference nonetheless. I have also seen discussions in the Adobe forums about using Zoom with RoboHelp.

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  • keuler
    started a topic Pre-sales question on v. 6...

    Pre-sales question on v. 6...

    Hi. I'm a prospective purchaser of Zoom. Please help answer these questions:

    1) I have a user who's interested in having breadcrumbs added to the search results so he can see the context of the hit. (This breadcrumbs would be a path of increasingly specific subjects. The website is actually WebHelp output from RoboHelp.)

    2) Does anyone know of a way to integrate Zoom into RoboHelp (replacing the services of RH's scaled down search builder). I'd like Zoom to launch when generating WebHelp output without me having to launch the Zoom app. IE, RH would launch Zoom instead of its own search builder.

    Thanks much.
