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search form creates extra space

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  • Ray
    I've just loaded it up in IE, Chrome and Firefox and they all look the same here. So perhaps you've fixed the problem since.

    Note that the search form is just plain, simple HTML. There is nothing special about it, and it is not specific code for Zoom. So any layout issue with placing the <form>...</form> HTML on your page is not directly a Zoom issue, just a HTML issue.

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  • tmb3ster
    started a topic search form creates extra space

    search form creates extra space

    I have placed the search code into a table cell and it works fine; however, in the table in order to create space between the search box and other information I created a blank row above and below the cell with the search code.

    This displays properly in Explorer but does not in Firefox and Chrome. In these two browsers it adds space at the end of the form which appears as an additional blank row. Is there any way to fix this? My site is: