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Filenames with Spaces are troublesome

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  • Ray
    I think another possibility is to create a category for your PDF files. This way the user can select from the drop down box "PDF files" and then search for "answer*" and it will be restricted to just the PDF files.

    Click under "Configure"->"Categories" and click on the Help button there for more details. The Pattern can be something like ".pdf" for the category.

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  • jkallen21
    I'm in offline mode. From what I can tell, this is my only option really. I have a file server that is just a file server (no web). The only website it runs is for this search index - specifically for searching for files, and also it has directory browsing enabled at the root of the file structure so that when zoom finds a hit, the URL it creates will reference the file on web server so the user can open it.

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  • David
    Are you using offline mode or spider mode?
    Are these files on a web server or a file server?

    I think there is a potentially simple solution in V7 of Zoom. It supports the site:" and "url:" search syntax.

    So in your case (in V7) this search should do what you want.

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  • jkallen21
    started a topic Filenames with Spaces are troublesome

    Filenames with Spaces are troublesome

    I have a site that indexes lots of PDF files. Lots of these filenames look like this:

    Answer Foo Foo.pdf
    Answer Fee Fee.pdf
    Answer fubar.pdf

    With indexing set to include dots are the same word, a search for "answer*.pdf" (without quotes) returns nothing. Neither does "Answer?*.pdf".

    If I disable dots and re-index, a search for "answer*.pdf" actually searches for "answer* pdf" (note the missing "dot") and it returns a lot of stuff I don't want. For this site, it is important to be able to search the file names but there are thousands of them, so renaming is not an option.

