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File Linking

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  • File Linking

    I have a site that runs on all devices. I am currently configuring the zoom search engine to work on the mobile format specifically for Black Berry.

    My site shows a ton of video and uses thumbnails to launch the playing of the .mp4 by way of the BB video player.

    Can the zoom be configured so that the results will show the thumbnails and when clicked will launch the specific file. Basically I need to be able to add a link to the specific information associated with the thumbnail.

  • #2
    I presume each of your videos have a page which host or embed the video?

    In which case, the page can be indexed and provide a description and a thumbnail meta tag can be used:
    Q. How do I associate a thumbnail with a particular page?

    That would be the best way to go about it. If you are linking visitors directly to your .mp4 file (without the embed page), then you could still use .desc files to provide the meta tag for the file.
    Q. How do I specify my own titles and descriptions for plugin files (such as PDF and DOC)?

    Note that you can also create offline .desc files for your online media files being spidered. See the Users Guide for more details.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine

