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Odd subcategory behavior
Not urgent, will be looking for the fix. Thank you! And thank you for your responsiveness.
This is a bug that just came to our attention earlier this week. It has been fixed for the next build (V6.0 build 1026), which should become publicly available probably in the next week or so (depending on whether we get other issues that need addressing in the interim). Let us know via email if you need a more urgent fix.
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Odd subcategory behavior
I have searched the forums and have not seen anything on this issue, so here goes:
I have zoomsearch cgi configured to search mulitple categories, none are configured as "cannot belong to any other category".
I understand there is no such thing as a "subcategory", but, some of my categories are subsets of other categories.
If I select one category to search, and also select a category that is a subset of the first category, AND the query is found in both categories, the resulting page does not write the "<div class="cat_summary"><br />Refine your search by category:<ul>" beginning or the "</ul></div>" ending around the text returned in the <!--ZOOM_SHOW_CATSUMMARY--> area. It only writes the link to the results in the subcategory, with the <li> </li> tags around it.
I would be happy to send a URL if desired, but I wondered if this was a known bug or if I am doing something wrong? Forgive me if this has been addressed in the forums and I have missed it. Thank you kindly,
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