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W3C Compliance

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  • W3C Compliance


    Although I have a lot more to learn about with Zoom, as I make my way through the ins and out of the product, I came to the validating stage, and thought you might appreciate knowing what I found.

    Validating the markup as XHTML 1.0 Transitional (, without any modification to any file, I was not successful.

    In viewing the W3C validator errors; making the changes below; and, testing again for compliance, I was able to validate without any errors.

    The changes I had to make are as follows:

    Replace <html> Required to be xhtml compliant.
    HTML Code:
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    Line 1305
    Change opening span tag to an opening div tag; you can't wrap an unordered list in a span tag
    PHP Code:
                $OutputBuffers[$OUTPUT_FORM_CATEGORIES] = "<div class=\"zoom_categories\">\n"
    Line 1345
    Change closing span tag to closing div tag; you can't wrap an unordered list in a span tag
    PHP Code:
                $OutputBuffers[$OUTPUT_FORM_CATEGORIES] .= "</div>\n"
    Lines 1313
    Modify and change position of closing input tag; the input closing tag needs to be a self-closing tag.
    PHP Code:
                    $OutputBuffers[$OUTPUT_FORM_CATEGORIES] .= " />$STR_FORM_CATEGORY_ALL</li>\n"
    Lines 1328
    Modify and change position of closing input tag; the input closing tag needs to be a self-closing tag.
    PHP Code:
                        $OutputBuffers[$OUTPUT_FORM_CATEGORIES] .= " />$catnames[$i]</li>\n"
    It is my hope that these changes will be included with the next build, so the page are compliant without any necessary modifications.

    I -must- echo the sentiments of others who sing your praises ... the product itself and this forum, the informative, patient, and friendly replies, are why I decided on purchasing Zoom! Your product is great and your support is top-notch!

    I thank you!

  • #2
    Thanks for the notes and the kind words.

    Yes, the <html> line was brought to our attention recently by another user. It will be addressed in the next build (V6.0 build 1026). Note of course, that this is just a line in the default "search_template.html" which users are expected to change as needed. The other issues are within the script code though.

    Wasn't aware of the problem with unordered lists within span tags, nor the need for self-closing input tags. We should adjust to suit this. Problem is, if other people are currently using it within a page to comply with a different DOCTYPE. Then suddenly it will break their compliance between builds. So while it would be better to be consistent, we might hold out these changes for V7.

    We did check with the W3C validator for the initial V6 release, but that would have been a couple of years ago now.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      All of the other code is written in XHTML format. HTML is a bit more forgiving; if that is how you validated it initially, that's possibly why it passed. The doc type is for XHTML by default, however, it is just missing the one line mentioned. If others are using it to be compliant for a different doc type than XHTML, correcting the self closing tags and span to div, shouldn't pose a problem. Thank you for your time and for considering to make the change.

