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qurey region

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  • qurey region

    Hi were creating a local search engine and the software is working great.

    we have 4 regions , and what to have the option to

    say were looking for pizza,

    we type pizza in the main search box then we want to have a drop down box for the regions next to the main search box.

    then for example when selecting region 4 ,
    have the search results only show for region 4.

    Thanks again

  • #2
    Are you indexing external web sites, or is all this data from pages on your own site?

    You might be able to use the categories feature to do what you want.


    • #3
      thanks for the reply.

      there is so much content,

      so were thinking the easy way would be to split it 4 different websites. to have 4 different zoom databases, then have the main zoom page query one of the 4 indexes we choose through the drop down.


      if there was some way to have it query inurl keyword . that might do the trick as well

      check it the index here

      search for cars.

      you can see it the url that most of the results are east, but look down to the bottom and you can see one for west and central

      if there was combination of search i could use to get the cars for west to show at top, that would work to.

      thanks again


      • #4
        It seems like you are indexing only pages on your own site, and not external web sites.

        In which case, you should be able to control or change the HTML to include more meta tags and use the Custom Meta Fields feature in Zoom. Please see chapter 2.6 in the Users Guide for more information.

        There is also this online support page:
        Q. How to create a multi-criteria search function with custom meta fields

        It looks like your website is database driven (and dynamically generated by ASP), so it should not be hard to change it such that it adds the meta tags required.

        Let us know if you have further questions.
        Wrensoft Web Software
        Sydney, Australia
        Zoom Search Engine


        • #5
          This looks good,
          well give it a try ,.

          thx again bill


          • #6
            worked like a charm

            thx again

