Is it possible to scan a file with this name?
details.mspx@id=w1x00xD5&vw=police&1=PWxZjL1c_252f 5McSyEzciA_252fFRQ_252f5kDSgWZywNg02QOHoPk_253d&in put=admin
I know what you are thinking. Either thats not an extension or .mspx should work or even why don't I rename the file and drop the @.
I have thought of all those. And tried many different things.
I would rename them. But It just takes some time to do 1,000,000 of them.
details.mspx@id=w1x00xD5&vw=police&1=PWxZjL1c_252f 5McSyEzciA_252fFRQ_252f5kDSgWZywNg02QOHoPk_253d&in put=admin
I know what you are thinking. Either thats not an extension or .mspx should work or even why don't I rename the file and drop the @.
I have thought of all those. And tried many different things.
I would rename them. But It just takes some time to do 1,000,000 of them.
PHP Code:
echo thank you