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Searching class attributes

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  • Searching class attributes

    I am new to configuring search engines, and pretty slow in general... so any help is much appreciated!

    Let's say I have a basic HTML that looks like this in part:


    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <div class="RobLib">
    <a name="elementId-3730793"></a><a name="pgfId-3730543"></a>
    <div class="FrontClump"><a name="elementId-3740093"></a>
    <p class="title-chapter">Really Exciting Title Name here</p>
    <p class="explanation">
    <a name="pgfId-3703021"></a>This document provides blah blah blah blah of the token blah.</p>


    Ok, now is there some way to have the search engine search for:

    1) text "Exciting" in class "title-chapter"? (i.e. just look at paragraphs which have the class attribute = "title-chapter" and return results from there...)

    2) text "title name" in div class=FrontClump (same idea but looking at a div class here, only want results from this class)

    3) Tricky one. Can I tell the search engine to return data one level "higher" than a search if I want?

    For example, can I tell the search engine: "if you are returning text from the class "title-chapter" after a search, return that text but also return data from the class one level higher" in this case, a match on "title-chapter" would return everything in the div=FrontClump since that is one level "higher" (nested one level higher).??

  • #2
    1) This text will be treated the same as any other paragraph. Meaning that you can't limit the search scope to a particular paragraph on a page.

    2) There is no text "title name" in the class. So it won't be found. But even if there was this text in your example, this is really the same case as 1)

    3) This is not possible.

    The only way to limit the search function to look at just part of the body content and not the other body content on the page is to use the ZOOMSTOP tags.

    For the standardized titles and keywords in meta data there is more control. You can switch the indexing of these items on or off.


    • #3
      You might also want to take a look at our Custom Meta Fields search feature.

      This won't search based on your existing markup (what you describe is rarely practical as an end-user would need to have a deep familiarity with the way your documents are marked up to make sense of expanding a query up or down class levels). But if you follow the meta markup described, this feature does does allow you to provide bounded searches within specific fields.
      Wrensoft Web Software
      Sydney, Australia
      Zoom Search Engine

