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A dynamic Template

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  • A dynamic Template

    I see it's possible to do a dynamic template on
    I create template.asp, I change the name in the search file

    In create template.asp I worte this :
    <!--#include file="search_template2.asp"-->
    <!--#include file="search.asp"-->
    <!--#include file="search_template4.asp"-->

    But it doesn't work.
    Can you help me.


    Best regards

  • #2
    Can you elaborate on what happens (or what error do you see) when it "doesn't work". Otherwise this doesn't give us much to go with.

    Do you have "template.asp" in the same folder as "search.asp", and the other files mentioned ("search_template2.asp" and "search_template4.asp")?

    And are the other search files generated by Zoom (that is, the ".zdat" files and "settings.asp" and "search_template.html") are also all in the same folder?
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      All the files are in the same folder. They are in search folder.
      The only include works it's search.asp.
      This is the source code when i generated a search :

      <!--#include file="search_template2.asp"-->
      <div id="souscontainer">
      <div id="contenu" role="main">
      <form method="get" action="/search/search.asp" class="zoom_searchform"><input type="hidden" name="zoom_sort" value="0" />
      Mots clés : <input type="text" name="zoom_query" size="20" value="1196" id="zoom_searchbox" class="zoom_searchbox" />
      <input type="submit" value="Rechercher" class="zoom_button" />
      <span class="zoom_results_per_page">R&eacute;sultats par page :
      <select name="zoom_per_page">
      <option selected="selected">10</option>
      </select><br /><br /></span>
      <span class="zoom_match">Type de recherche :
      <input type="radio" name="zoom_and" value="0" checked="checked" />au moins un mot
      <input type="radio" name="zoom_and" value="1" />tous les mots
      <br /><br /></span>
      <span class="zoom_categories">
      <select name="zoom_cat[]">
      <option value="-1">toutes</option><option value="0">Air comprimé</option><option value="1">Auto-moto</option><option value="2">Bâche</option><option value="3">Bien être</option><option value="4">Chauffage</option><option value="5">Divers</option><option value="6">Echelle / Escabeau</option><option value="7">Electricité</option><option value="8">Jardin</option><option value="9">Levage / Arrimage</option><option value="10">Maison</option><option value="11">Meubles</option><option value="12">Noël</option><option value="13">Outillage</option><option value="14">Piscine</option><option value="15">Vêtements</option></select>&nbsp;&nbsp;
      </form><div class="searchheading">R&eacute;sultats de la recherche pour : 1196 dans toutes les cat&eacute;gories<br /><br /></div>
      <div class="summary">Pas de r&eacute;sultat.<br /></div>
      <!--Zoom Search Engine Version 6.0 (1009) ENT-->
      <div class="results">
      <!--#include file="search.asp"-->
      </div><!-- /div#contenu -->
      </div><!-- /div#souscontainer -->
      <div id="coldroite">
      <!--#include file="search_template4.asp"-->

      I hope that help you?
      Thanks for your help


      • #4
        Originally posted by Andre View Post
        The only include works it's search.asp.
        I don't think so. I can see the #include file="search.asp" line in the output there. If this include call executed correctly, it would not appear. Or maybe you've mistakenly put this line in the "search_template.html" file (which would not work)?

        It's hard to tell what you've done. Perhaps you can save us from guessing if you actually send us the ASP files in question.
        Wrensoft Web Software
        Sydney, Australia
        Zoom Search Engine


        • #5
          Yes I think it's better, How I can send my files.


          • #6
            You can find our e-mail address on the Contact Us page.
            Wrensoft Web Software
            Sydney, Australia
            Zoom Search Engine

