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RoboHelp/Highlight/Exclude Breadcrumbs

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  • RoboHelp/Highlight/Exclude Breadcrumbs

    I have Zoom Pro 6 1019 version, javascript, and am using it with RoboHelp v8.0.2 208.

    I posted this issue to the RoboHelp forum, but it was suggested to post this question here.

    I am using the jump to highlighting script which is working as designed. However, if the search word is found within the breadcrumbs AND in the page's content, the jump to highlight stops at the top of the page, because this is the 1st word found. This is technically correct, but it isn't the result I'd like. I would like the breadcrumbs to be ignored.

    There's no code in my html page for the breadcrumbs, so I cannot use the ZOOMSTOP/RESTART tags to exclude it.

    Any suggestions?

    thanks, as always....

  • #2
    Using the ZOOMSTOP/ZOOMRESTART tags would be best here. There must be some way of adding these in? Even if it is not possible within RoboHelp, there are various text editors which will perform mass "search and replace" over a set of files. You could potentially use this to search for some unique HTML that identifies the start and end of the breadcrumbs section and replace this with the same HTML + the ZOOMSTOP or ZOOMRESTART tag.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      Instead of enabling the global Add Breadcrumbs Links on the WebHelp Navigation page of the generate wizard, we chose to add the following to each topic. This allows us to not add it for those few pages where the breadcrumbs would be unneeded.

      <body lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">
      <?rh-cbt_start condition="Online" ?>
      <?rh-placeholder type="breadcrumbs"
      ph-align="0" usetopicformat="0" sep-char=" &gt; " ph-style="font-family:Tahoma;font-size:8pt;font-weight: normal;margin-bottom: 2px;font-style: normal;text-decoration: none;" ?>
      <?rh-cbt_end ?>
      <hr margin-bottom="2px" style="color: #c0c0c0; background-color: #c0c0c0;" size="1" width="50%" align="left" />

      Using a good tool such as FAR (from Helpware), you could set Find to the first line and Replace to the entire block of code. FAR would handle this code replacement in mere seconds.

      Note: You 'll need to adjust the Replace tool's reporting setup to point out the topics that didn't get updated, in the event that you might have some different body tags.

      Good luck,


      • #4
        Thank you.....

        I'm not sure I can use a global find & replace over several files because the breadcrumb code is different for each file. I've since learned, when viewing the output of the files, the following script is added to each .htm file:


        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2">//<![CDATA[
        if (window.gbWhTopic)
        var strUrl = document.location.href;
        var bc = 0;
        var n = strUrl.toLowerCase().indexOf("bc-");
        if(n != -1)
        document.location.href = strUrl.substring(0, n);
        bc = strUrl.substring(n+3);

        if (window.addTocInfo)
        addTocInfo("Configuration [user]\nAttribute Mapping");
        addButton("show",BTN_TEXT,"Show","","","","",0,0," ","","");

        if (window.writeBtnStyle)

        if (window.writeIntopicBar)

        document.write("<p style=\"text-align:right\"> ");
        AddMasterBreadcrumbs("../ugtest_zoom.htm", "", "|", "Home", "../frontpages/home.htm");
        document.write("<a href=\"attrmap.htm\">Configuration [user]<\/a> | Attribute Mapping<\/p>");

        if (window.setRelStartPage)

        if (window.gbIE4)


        I could potentially add the ZOOMSTOP & RESTART tags before and after this script, correct? (I run zoom on the output, not the source files). But again, the issue here is that it's really not practical or very efficient. I will test it on one or two files anyway to see if that solves my problem.

        Thanks for your suggestion. To help me understand, you place your code on each source page which results in adding the same breadcrumbs that are automatically generated in RH? I will also test your suggestion on my documents. I'll post my results for both tests.


        • #5
          Thank you!

          I used the Placeholder function in RoboHelp to add breadcrumbs to the pages, then added the ZOOMSTOP/RESTART tags before and after it, worked like a charm!


          • #6

            I'm sorry about the disconnect: I didn't make it clear about using my code in the source files, whereas you were talking about your output files.

            Glad it worked out for you.


