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Change text no results found

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  • Change text no results found

    Hello, I know this is probably a simple task, but I would like to add text to the the results page at the point that is says "No results found". What page or code do I need to change to accomplish this?


  • #2
    You can change that very line of text through the language files. See chapter 7.2 in the Users Guide for more information.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      Thank-you. That is exactly the information I needed! Also, I was wondering; will a "link" work if it is inserted into this file?


      • #4
        Yes you should be able to put HTML into the language file


        • #5
          I added my new text to to the language file and an HTML link within the sentence (all on one line) and re-indexed my site. When I tested the results, the text stopped at the point where I inserted the html. I tried "a href" and also "<p> a href </p>" same results. Any suggestions? Thank-you!


          • #6
            Are you really using V4 as your posting in this forum suggest? V4 is very old (4 to 6 years old), and you might even be using an older build which has a bug in this area (though I don't recall anything like this). Check the version and build by clicking on Help->About in the Indexer window.

            If this is not the case, and you are using a newer version, what script platform (PHP, ASP, JS, CGI) are you using?

            It might also help to show us exactly your change in the ZLANG file, as there might be a syntatical error.
            Wrensoft Web Software
            Sydney, Australia
            Zoom Search Engine


            • #7
              I am using Version 6.0 Build 1003 Professional Edition. JS platfrom.
              this is the line I am trying to change.
              STR_SUMMARY_NO_RESULTS_FOUND=Sorry, no image matches. Try refining your search or <p><a href="" title="Contact Us" onMouseOver="window.status='Contact Us'; return true" onMouseOut="window.status=' '">Contact Us</a></p> We will gladly upload files matching your search query.

              As I said it is all on one line and I tried it with and without "<p> </p>".

              The text ends right befor the HTML when I test the search.


              • #8
                There's a maximum line length of 200 characters per ZLANG entry. In retrospect, this oughto be documented.

                So when your long line (297 characters) was put in, it got truncated and produced broken HTML output as a result. If you can keep it within 200 characters, it should work. In the meantime, we'll update our documentation and also add it to our list of things to consider for changing in V7.
                Wrensoft Web Software
                Sydney, Australia
                Zoom Search Engine


                • #9

                  I shortened my line of text as you suggested and now my page wouks as it should.
                  Thank-you for the help! It would have taken me many hours to try to figure this out, if at all.

