The boss gave me all kinds of terms to use for creating recommended links, but if someone put a couple of the same terms in, it would show the recommended link twice.
No can do says the boss, so I gotta find a way to use all the terms and yet display only one instance of the recommended link.
Here is my solution to the problem. It may not be helpful to everyone, and there might be some other things I am missing in regards to other recommended links appearing. But we need to use the terms, and we don’t need multiple instances of a recommended link.
Please see my reply below for the revised code.
The original solution was incorrect.
No can do says the boss, so I gotta find a way to use all the terms and yet display only one instance of the recommended link.
Here is my solution to the problem. It may not be helpful to everyone, and there might be some other things I am missing in regards to other recommended links appearing. But we need to use the terms, and we don’t need multiple instances of a recommended link.
Please see my reply below for the revised code.
The original solution was incorrect.