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DOC plugin error

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  • DOC plugin error


    A lot of my DOC files are skipped because of a DOC plugin error.
    When I check my doc file, everything seems to be ok :
    - I can open it in Word
    - In "File" -> "Properties" -> "General", i can see "Document Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003" as document type.

    To solve the problem, I check an indexed DOC file :
    - In "File" -> "Properties" -> "General", i can see "Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document" as document type.

    So, the plugin seems to detect french generated word document as bad file... But they aren't...

    Can the tech staff fix the bug ?
    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Are you using the latest plug-ins from our web site?

    Can you post the URL to one of these DOC files, so that we can try them here.


    • #3
      I'm using the Complete plugins installer package for V6 (1/May/2009).

      You can find one of these doc files at

      I also have this error with the ImageInfo.exe plugin :
      L'instruction à "0x0042d0ff" emploie l'adresse mémoire "0xcfe994d4". La mémoire ne peut pas être "read".
      Error not reported in the log...

      Thank you for your help


      • #4
        You file is incorrectly named. It is nothing to do with if the file is French or English.
        It is not in fact a .doc file.
        It is in .docx format (which is in turn compressed XML).

        If you rename the file from Relance.doc to Relance.docx and get Zoom to index files of type .docx files, it should fix the problem.


        • #5
          Great ! It works ! Thank you very much

          Do you know what is the problem with the ImageInfo.exe plugin :
          L'instruction à "0x0042d0ff" emploie l'adresse mémoire "0xcfe994d4". La mémoire ne peut pas être "read".
          Error not reported in the log...



          • #6
            The Word 2003 Plugin (for .DOC files) was not expecting the .DOCX file format as input, as the result there was a crash. There should never really be a crash, but on the other hand you shouldn't be feeding the DOCX files into the DOC plugin. We have a seperate plugin for the new Office 2007 DOCX format.

            Renaming your files should fix the problem.


            • #7
              I was talking about another problem... It's not the DOC plugin, but the Image files plugin...


              • #8
                My mistake, I mis-read your post.

                Can you post the URL to the image file that is causing this crash.


                • #9
                  I don't know which image generate the bug, it simply crash and raise the following windows error : Instruction at "0x0042d0ff" use memory address "0xcfe994d4". Can't be "read". When I check the log, nothing is mentioned about this...


                  • #10
                    There will be an indication in the log as to which images files were indexed. Can you E-mail us the log if you can't identify the file at fault.


                    • #11
                      I tried to find which image file generate the bug, but found nothing...

                      You can find my log file at


                      • #12
                        There are a good number of errors reported in your log file. Try searching for "Image plugin error".

                        Some of them are being identified as an incomplete image file. It may be worthwhile to confirm if this is the case:

                        06|07/31/09 13:00:40|Processing image file \\cronos\SYLAXE\GESTION INFORMATIQUE\PRODUITS\Viseox\Logo\Logo-viseox-jaune.png
                        08|07/31/09 13:00:40|[Image plugin error] Incomplete image file (Cannot read full file data) (\\cronos\SYLAXE\GESTION INFORMATIQUE\PRODUITS\Viseox\Logo\Logo-viseox-jaune.png). Only filename is indexed.
                        00|07/31/09 13:00:40|Indexing filename only for \\cronos\SYLAXE\GESTION INFORMATIQUE\PRODUITS\Viseox\Logo\Logo-viseox-jaune.png
                        06|07/31/09 13:00:40|Processing image file \\cronos\SYLAXE\GESTION INFORMATIQUE\PRODUITS\Viseox\Logo\vxcluster.png
                        08|07/31/09 13:00:40|[Image plugin error] Incomplete image file (Cannot read full file data) (\\cronos\SYLAXE\GESTION INFORMATIQUE\PRODUITS\Viseox\Logo\vxcluster.png). Only filename is indexed.
                        00|07/31/09 13:00:40|Indexing filename only for \\cronos\SYLAXE\GESTION INFORMATIQUE\PRODUITS\Viseox\Logo\vxcluster.png
                        While these other ones which report "Plugin exceeded execution timeout" indicates that the plugin took too long to execute and probably crashed. So these are the ones which would be of interest for us to investigate the crash.

                        06|07/31/09 13:10:39|Processing image file \\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\EBP\WEB\STD\PRESSE\IMAGES\LIASSE.TIF
                        08|07/31/09 13:11:39|[Image plugin error] Plugin exceeded execution timeout. Image file may be corrupted or invalid. (\\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\EBP\WEB\STD\PRESSE\IMAGES\LIASSE.TIF). Only filename is indexed.
                        00|07/31/09 13:11:39|Indexing filename only for \\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\EBP\WEB\STD\PRESSE\IMAGES\LIASSE.TIF
                        06|07/31/09 13:11:39|Processing image file \\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\EBP\WEB\STD\PRESSE\IMAGES\LOCIMMO.TIF
                        08|07/31/09 13:12:39|[Image plugin error] Plugin exceeded execution timeout. Image file may be corrupted or invalid. (\\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\EBP\WEB\STD\PRESSE\IMAGES\LOCIMMO.TIF). Only filename is indexed.
                        00|07/31/09 13:12:39|Indexing filename only for \\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\EBP\WEB\STD\PRESSE\IMAGES\LOCIMMO.TIF
                        06|07/31/09 13:12:39|Processing image file \\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\EBP\WEB\STD\PRESSE.BAK\IMAGES\LIASSE.TIF
                        08|07/31/09 13:13:39|[Image plugin error] Plugin exceeded execution timeout. Image file may be corrupted or invalid. (\\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\EBP\WEB\STD\PRESSE.BAK\IMAGES\LIASSE.TIF). Only filename is indexed.
                        00|07/31/09 13:13:39|Indexing filename only for \\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\EBP\WEB\STD\PRESSE.BAK\IMAGES\LIASSE.TIF
                        06|07/31/09 13:13:40|Processing image file \\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\EBP\WEB\STD\PRESSE.BAK\IMAGES\LOCIMMO.TIF
                        08|07/31/09 13:14:40|[Image plugin error] Plugin exceeded execution timeout. Image file may be corrupted or invalid. (\\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\EBP\WEB\STD\PRESSE.BAK\IMAGES\LOCIMMO.TIF). Only filename is indexed.
                        00|07/31/09 13:14:40|Indexing filename only for \\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\EBP\WEB\STD\PRESSE.BAK\IMAGES\LOCIMMO.TIF
                        06|07/31/09 13:15:54|Processing image file \\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\WINNT40\Java\Packages\MOTZX7PN.ZIP#com/ms/ui/resources.gif
                        08|07/31/09 13:15:54|[Image plugin error] Invalid or corrupted image file (Invalid file header) (\\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\WINNT40\Java\Packages\MOTZX7PN.ZIP#com/ms/ui/resources.gif). Only filename is indexed.
                        00|07/31/09 13:15:54|Indexing filename only for \\cronos\SYLAXE\SUPPORT TECHNIQUE\Frank Immobilier\NT4\Disque C\WINNT40\Java\Packages\MOTZX7PN.ZIP#com/ms/ui/resources.gif
                        06|07/31/09 13:21:15|Processing image file \\cronos\SYLAXE\UTILISATEURS\sfriess\Sources\
                        08|07/31/09 13:22:15|[Image plugin error] Plugin exceeded execution timeout. Image file may be corrupted or invalid. (\\cronos\SYLAXE\UTILISATEURS\sfriess\Sources\ Only filename is indexed.
                        00|07/31/09 13:22:15|Indexing filename only for \\cronos\SYLAXE\UTILISATEURS\sfriess\Sources\
                        06|07/31/09 13:22:17|Processing image file \\cronos\SYLAXE\UTILISATEURS\sfriess\Sources\
                        08|07/31/09 13:23:17|[Image plugin error] Plugin exceeded execution timeout. Image file may be corrupted or invalid. (\\cronos\SYLAXE\UTILISATEURS\sfriess\Sources\ Only filename is indexed.
                        00|07/31/09 13:23:17|Indexing filename only for \\cronos\SYLAXE\UTILISATEURS\sfriess\Sources\
                        06|07/31/09 13:23:18|Processing image file \\cronos\SYLAXE\UTILISATEURS\sfriess\Sources\
                        08|07/31/09 13:24:18|[Image plugin error] Plugin exceeded execution timeout. Image file may be corrupted or invalid. (\\cronos\SYLAXE\UTILISATEURS\sfriess\Sources\ Only filename is indexed.
                        00|07/31/09 13:24:18|Indexing filename only for \\cronos\SYLAXE\UTILISATEURS\sfriess\Sources\
                        06|07/31/09 13:24:20|Processing image file \\cronos\SYLAXE\UTILISATEURS\sfriess\Sources\
                        08|07/31/09 13:25:20|[Image plugin error] Plugin exceeded execution timeout. Image file may be corrupted or invalid. (\\cronos\SYLAXE\UTILISATEURS\sfriess\Sources\ Only filename is indexed.
                        00|07/31/09 13:25:20|Indexing filename only for \\cronos\SYLAXE\UTILISATEURS\sfriess\Sources\
                        There's alot more of these (over 50) of them if you look in the file, but we'd probably only need a few files for us to investigate it at first.
                        Wrensoft Web Software
                        Sydney, Australia
                        Zoom Search Engine


                        • #13
                          Here is some of these files :

                          It's not a problem if the plugin ignore them, but having 10 windows error messages when openning the administrator's session is more problematic


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by seup View Post
                            This file is definitely corrupted. Just try clicking on the above link. IE is unable to display it. I can't load it in any other image viewing program either.

                            This corrupted file caused the ImageInfo plugin to hang indefinitely. This is not ideal -- ideally we would detect that this image file is corrupted and skip it, but it's hard to handle all possible corrupted file scenarios.

                            I also think it is because of corrupted files such as this one which might be leading to some of the other errors. When the following files:

                            Originally posted by seup View Post
                            ... were tested individually, they had no problems and were indexed (or skipped over due to their lack of meta information) safely. They did not trigger the error seen in your log file and weren't identified as being invalid.

                            I think it is only because of the crash/hung scenario triggered by the corrupted file which leads to the second scenario where the plugin could not be executed at all due to problems killing the application.

                            So if you can identify and remove the actual corrupted image files (or at least, skip them by adding them to the Skip Pages list), you should be able to avoid most of this.

                            In the mean time, we are working on an improved image plugin for V6.1, which should offer better support.
                            Wrensoft Web Software
                            Sydney, Australia
                            Zoom Search Engine


                            • #15
                              I have deleted all corrupted images, but I still have those windows error messages...
                              In the log I still have errors on good files like :

                              Don't tell me that the only solution is to disable the ImageFile plugin...

