I am getting the following error after I go to the search.php page. I go to that page, enter a term to search, and it generates this:
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 33030144) (tried to allocate 257 bytes) in /homepages/37/d187788490/htdocs/Zoom Search Engine Indexer/search.php on line 1534
I tried the following suggested in the FAQ
1. I do not have access to php.ini, so I went to option 2.
2. I tried the .htaccess workaround, and it caused the search.php to not even load.
3. I put the line ini_set ( "memory_limit", "64M"); into search.php at the top (2nd line).
It still generates the error. So, it doesn't appear that my error was precisely the same. Can you please advise?
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 33030144) (tried to allocate 257 bytes) in /homepages/37/d187788490/htdocs/Zoom Search Engine Indexer/search.php on line 1534
I tried the following suggested in the FAQ
1. I do not have access to php.ini, so I went to option 2.
2. I tried the .htaccess workaround, and it caused the search.php to not even load.
3. I put the line ini_set ( "memory_limit", "64M"); into search.php at the top (2nd line).
It still generates the error. So, it doesn't appear that my error was precisely the same. Can you please advise?