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Need help with CSS for search results

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  • Need help with CSS for search results

    I'm trying to reduce the vertical space before the actual search results.

    I'm using the Javascript search and therefore I cannot see the code on the search results page. Thus I'm sort of driving blind though I'm using Firefox web developer toolbar.

    I want the searchheading, summary, and result_pagescount divs to all appear on the same line so I applied float: left to each of them and added padding-right for space between.

    The searchheading and summary look fine on the same line, however, I cannot get the results_pagescount div to line up. It appears to the right of the summary, but it falls below. It looks like it has top margin or padding, but zeroing those out does not help.

    It sort of looks like:
    Search results for: blah 29 results found
    3 pages of results

    Can anyone help with this?

    Thank you!


  • #2
    There are some BR tags in the .summary and .result_pagescount classes (for the benefit of inexperienced users who end up without CSS on their template).

    You can achieve what you want with the following:

    .summary { font-size: 80%; font-style: italic; display: inline;  }
    .summary br { display: none; }
    .result_pagescount { font-size: 100%; display: inline; }
    .result_pagescount br { display: none; }
    Hope that helps.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      Thank you Raymond. I will give that a try!


