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Dublin Core metadata

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  • Dublin Core metadata

    Could you check/confirm the DC metadata features work correctly with v6.1010, when the metadata is provided in the form:

    <meta name="DC.Identifier" content="events">
    <meta name="DC.Title" content="joseph">
    <meta name="DC.Subject" content="fred">

    in a .desc file.

    I can't persuade this to work at all (cgi/php interfaces). Yes, I have checked the Dublin Core metadat option in Zoom/Indexing...


  • #2
    It was working. But it has been a while since we tested it. We'll do some tests and get back to you.


    • #3
      We did some tests and Dublin Core meta data appears to be correctly indexed.

      However, there is one scenario which would cause it to be not indexed. And that is if you have invalid HTML in the header prior to it. For example, if you have a header such as the following:

          <meta name="description" content="My page description > something like this">
          <meta name="DC.Title" content="joseph">
          <meta name="DC.Subject" content="fred">
      Note that the meta description tag is invalid HTML (you cannot use a ">" character within the content= value, it should be encoded as a HTML entity like "&gt;"). This will cause Zoom to skip the rest of the meta data to avoid mis-interpreting the rest of the HTML.

      You should get a Warning message in such cases that says "Suspected invalid HTML". This was a recent change as we had to enforce stricter HTML parsing to avoid problems we were having with valid HTML.

      Check if you are getting this warning message in the Log, and whether you have invalid HTML in your .desc file.

      If you continue to have problems, send us the .desc file that is having this problem, and your ZCFG file with your indexer settings.
      Wrensoft Web Software
      Sydney, Australia
      Zoom Search Engine

