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Highlight in cyrillic windows-1251 does not work

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  • Highlight in cyrillic windows-1251 does not work

    Hi everybody,

    I tried both UTF-8 and cyrillic windows-1251 (which I actually use) but no succes, whether the search page is UTF-8 or windows 1251. The browser is the newest firefox (the same prbl with IE6). I use the javascript search.

    All worked fine with the german text and windows 1252

  • #2
    Are you refering to highlighting in the search results or highlighting in the source HTML document?

    If you are refering to the source HTML document, are you using the new V6 highlight.js script?

    What was the search word which should have been highlighted?

    What is the URL to your search function? If it is online.


    • #3
      Correction: Highlighting does not work in windows 1251 but works with UTF-8

      When windows-1251 used the highlighting of source html will not work. Results (titles) are highlighted .

      UTF-8 (cyrrilic) works fine. Just dont use the * mask. (use the option languages/ substring match...).

      All this was about the Javascript platform in ZSE. Do not know now how it is with PHP, ASP,...
      Last edited by danx; Feb-25-2009, 06:47 PM. Reason: Grammar & more descriptive explanation in the title


      • #4
        Further information:

        Danx has e-mailed us with more information and he is actually talking about the "jump to highlighting" script (highlight.js) specifically.

        There are known issues with the Jump to Highlighting script in certain charsets (such as windows-1251). There are limitations in the Javascript platform which we have yet been able to workaround with a reasonable/practical solution. It is most compatible with UTF-8 for non-English languages. This is detailed under "Known Limitations" for the Jump to Highlighting script.
        Wrensoft Web Software
        Sydney, Australia
        Zoom Search Engine

