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CGI Bug in V6 indexer with target?

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  • Ray
    I just tested this with the latest build and could not reproduce a problem (V6.0 build 1009).

    Make sure you are using the latest release (download from here).

    Note that after changing the "Results Linking" setting in the Configuration tab, you need to re-index for it to take effect. The new files generated by Zoom will also need to be uploaded to your server.

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  • David
    I assume you are using offline mode?
    In offline mode there are 3 main fields. Start directory, Base URL and Output directory.

    We don't have any field in the configuration window called target. Are you talking about the results linking options in the search page window and you are entering "Main" as the name of a frame you are using?

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  • inspiron97
    started a topic CGI Bug in V6 indexer with target?

    CGI Bug in V6 indexer with target?


    I found a bug cgi bug in V6:

    remark: I use a homepage with frames.

    If the output directory is not the same directory as the start directory zoom does not add the defined target into to search result page.
    start directory = f:\webpages
    output directory = f:\webpages\zoom
    target = "main"
    ==> result page does not contain target information!
    remark: it works fine if output directory = f:\webpages

    But it works fine as well if I use php instead of cgi.

    Know problem?

    kind regards