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.CGI and Meta Query Parm Information?

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  • .CGI and Meta Query Parm Information?

    I am trying to understand how to search on the meta info that I have setup in the index file. I started simple by creating "Author" as Meta name,Search form name as "Author" Search Method Partial Text match. I run the index on a small site we are still developing. I am using a custom .acsx control to call the CGI file but created a text box call Author and passed the following Query string to the CGI File but not seeing any results. Looking at your code that is how I figured out the other query params but must be missing something for the Meta Information. Is the Meta information Casesentive, or need quotes around the partial text match?

    "zoom_query=test&zoom_and=1&zoom_per_page=25&zoom_ xml=1&Author=ncsl"

    Meta Information Example from a page with in a DNN website:
    AUTHOR NCSL Dev Site
    PAGE-ENTER RevealTrans(Duration=0,Transition=1)
    Author NCSL
    Last-Modified Fri, 11 Apr 2008 00:00:00

    One addition question. Is can you tell from the index files if meta information is getting picked up?
    Last edited by chriscsanyi; Feb-03-2009, 07:30 PM. Reason: Added one more question.

  • #2
    It might be interesting to look at the CGI output on its own first, outside of your ACSX control. This will allow us to isolate the cause of the problem a little better (and allow you to determine if the meta information is getting picked up better).

    The meta information you have added in DNN does not tell us exactly what these meta tags look like. Please take a look at the actual HTML output being indexed (view the HTML source of the given page in the browser. If DNN specifies a meta tag that is named differently than what we expect, then they won't be picked up. Common cases include meta tags outside the <head>...</head> block.

    You should also make sure you have caching disabled (on the "Spider options" panel of the Configure tab) if you are applying changes and expecting them to be picked up immediately.

    The HTTP GET parameters are case sensitive and need to match with the "meta name" of the field specified.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      Ray, Thanks for getting back. It helps to know that parameters are case sensitive but already tried that angle but going to look again in case I missed something. I will also try today pulling the CGI all out to test. I had it isolated a little in the control to see how you were setup the names of the text fields to make sure I was doing it correctly.

      Here is a copy of the Header file. Could the ID in the meta tag be what is missing up the meta information?

      <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
      <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">
      <head id="Head"><meta id="MetaKeywords" name="KEYWORDS" content="Reports,Labor &amp; Employment,Discrimination,Employee Leave,Federal Issues,Pensions,Personnel Issues,Unemployment,Wage &amp; Hour,Workforce,Working Families,jeanne mejeur diana hinton noel" /><meta id="MetaCopyright" name="COPYRIGHT" content="Copyright 2007 by My Website" /><meta id="MetaAuthor" name="AUTHOR" content="NCSL Dev Site" /><meta name="RESOURCE-TYPE" content="DOCUMENT" /><meta name="DISTRIBUTION" content="GLOBAL" /><meta name="ROBOTS" content="INDEX, FOLLOW" /><meta name="REVISIT-AFTER" content="1 DAYS" /><meta name="RATING" content="GENERAL" /><meta http-equiv="PAGE-ENTER" content="RevealTrans(Duration=0,Transition=1)" /><style id="StylePlaceholder" type="text/css"></style><link id="_DNN455_DesktopModules_Flash_News_Ticker" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/DNN455/DesktopModules/Flash News Ticker/module.css" /><link id="_DNN455_Portals__default_" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/DNN455/Portals/_default/default.css" /><link id="_DNN455_Portals__default_Skins_NCSL_" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/DNN455/Portals/_default/Skins/NCSL/skin.css" /><link id="_DNN455_Portals__default_Containers_NCSL_" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/DNN455/Portals/_default/Containers/NCSL/container.css" /><link id="_DNN455_Portals_1_" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/DNN455/Portals/1/portal.css" /><meta name="ZOOMCATEGORY" content="LABORReports"><meta name="Author" content="jeanne mejeur diana hinton noel"><meta http-equiv="Last-Modified" content="Tue, 06 Jan 2009 00:00:00"><meta name="ZOOMPAGEBOOST" content="5"><title>
      NCSLnet: Labor & Employment
      <body id="Body">

      Update: I create a separte CGI test area for the index and was able to get ZoomCategory to work correctly for the meta information. Still not sure what the Author is not working besides that this code has two sets of Author information which could be an issue but would not think so since I saw an example that is how you need to do it for better searching in another post.

      Thanks again for your help. That is why I like working with your product because of the great help.
      Last edited by chriscsanyi; Feb-04-2009, 05:01 PM. Reason: Tested with separate CGI


      • #4
        I tried indexing a page with the HTML given above, and it picked up the Author information correctly.

        Originally posted by chriscsanyi View Post
        Update: I create a separte CGI test area for the index and was able to get ZoomCategory to work correctly for the meta information. Still not sure what the Author is not working besides that this code has two sets of Author information which could be an issue but would not think so since I saw an example that is how you need to do it for better searching in another post.
        You can only use multiple tag values for meta fields which are specified as the "Multi-select" type. Since you mentioned that "AUTHOR" is specified as a Text type, it will only pickup the first value ("NCSL Dev Site").

        I also noticed that your original query is:
        "zoom_query=test&zoom_and=1&zoom_per_page=25&z oom_ xml=1&AUTHOR=ncsl"

        (Note I updated the AUTHOR parameter to be in caps because that is how you specified it in the Meta Name).

        This query actually requests that it only returns pages with "test" in the indexed content, and "ncsl" in the author meta field (due to the zoom_and=1 parameter specifying that all terms must match). Have you tried it with zoom_and=0 (in case the page in question does not contain the word "test")?
        Wrensoft Web Software
        Sydney, Australia
        Zoom Search Engine


        • #5
          Whilst looking at this problem, I did find a bug in the CGI where a blank query will cause a meta field search with "match all search words" (zoom_and=1) to not return any results.

          This isn't the scenario you gave, so it might be an unrelated issue. Nonetheless it will be fixed in the next build. Check the other things I mentioned above.
          Wrensoft Web Software
          Sydney, Australia
          Zoom Search Engine

