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XML Output

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  • XML Output

    I have been unable to find much documentation on the xml format for searches performed via cgi/xml. Can you provide a sample output of what would be included. I know I could find this on my own but its going to take some time to get the cgi script installed and want to see what it would look like before I go down that path.

    In particular, does it have tags for any custom fields of each result page? Or atleast the category? A simple example would be useful to include in the user guide.


  • #2
    The XML output specification is part of the Zoom SDK.

    However, we have not had time to update the SDK for V6 yet, so it is out of date. We plan to update this next month. There are still changes due for V6 (such as the request for changing the way categories work) so we need to hold things like the SDK back until all that is finalized.

    The XML output is OpenSearch compliant so you'll find a large part of it defined by the OpenSearch specs. However, are you have noted, there are custom tags for features which are unique to Zoom and not available in OpenSearch. These will be detailed in the V6 SDK.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      do I need to purchase the SDK package in order to use XML and cgi?


      • #4
        No you don't.
        The only real reason to purchase the SDK is to get the C++ source code for the CGI. Which most people don't need.


        • #5
          Then is there any way to view the XML documentation guide without purchasing the SDK?


          • #6
            But you can just open up the XML in a text editor and examine the format.

