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Version 5.0 and Highlight & Jump for Koine/Modern Greek

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  • Version 5.0 and Highlight & Jump for Koine/Modern Greek

    In the new version of the Zoom Search Engine, will the highlight and jump to work for Koine and modern Greek? The search engine works for Koine Greek, but the highlight and jump to doesn't seem to work.

    Also, will there be any improvement in the highlight and jump to in the new version, so that it will work properly in Microsoft Internet Explorer? My whole site uses rollover buttons which are dependent on javascript. The highlight and jump to works nicely in Firefox, which is my preferred browser, but not in Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, the majority of visitors to web-sites use Internet Explorer, so, we web-developers must (in my opinion) pay attention to how our sites render in IE.

  • #2
    There are some minor improvements in the "jump to highlighting" script in V5, namely better compatibility for UTF-8 pages. We have not tested it with Koine Greek yet, but if you give us a URL to an example page, we could take a look.

    The current "jump to highlighting" script works fine in Internet Explorer, as it is. This is our primary test platform, alongsize Mozilla Firefox.

    The problem you are having is most likely not caused by the "jump to highlighting" script, but the conflict that occurs with your other Javascripts which you have placed on your web pages (eg. your script for rollover buttons). This is the nature of using Javascripts - you are essentially putting different code together on the same page, and there is no way that we can guarantee that they will not conflict with the functionality of each other.

    Please refer to our support page for a more detailed explanation (see "Known issues and troubleshooting") along with some possible solutions:
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      Koine Greek

      Thank you for your reply. Yes, I know about the issue with multiple javascripts, but is it a problem ultimately with IE? because it works just fine in Firefox.

      As for Koine Greek, here's a sample text for you to use and test. It's Acts Chapter 1 & 2 for you to set up two pages and test. My new site is still under too much development for me to give a link right now. Let me know how your testing goes. I am very interested in this.

      Πραξεις Άποστόλων 1
      1:1 τον μεν πρωτον λογον εποιησαμην περι παντων ω θεοφιλε ων ηρξατο ο ιησους ποιειν τε και διδασκειν


      • #4
        Re: Koine Greek

        Originally posted by Ephesians3seven
        Thank you for your reply. Yes, I know about the issue with multiple javascripts, but is it a problem ultimately with IE? because it works just fine in Firefox.
        This depends on the conflict in the Javascript. There is no generic conflict that happens simply by having multiple Javascripts. It depends on what each script attempts to do, and how it does it. In your case, it seems that your particular conflict only occurs in IE and not in Firefox. That is all we can conclude from the information given. There are other conflicts possible where it would not work in Firefox.

        You must realize that the Javascripts can conflict with each other in an infinite number of ways. One Javascript could completely alter the content of the page, while another depends on that content not changing. When you're using Javascripts on a page, you need to have some understanding of how it works to avoid this.

        As for Koine Greek, here's a sample text for you to use and test. It's Acts Chapter 1 & 2 for you to set up two pages and test. My new site is still under too much development for me to give a link right now. Let me know how your testing goes. I am very interested in this.
        Sorry, the sample text you provided would not be suitable. We really need it on an actual HTML page with the charset/page encoding. The text entered into this forum would have already been converted to a different encoding by the forum software. A URL to an existing koine greek page online using the same charset you have in mind would be more useful.
        Wrensoft Web Software
        Sydney, Australia
        Zoom Search Engine


        • #5
          Re: Koine Greek

          I will e-mail you an html file. I'll send it to you, but it will have a great deal of code, that relates to my site, stripped out.

          As for the rollover javascript code, I use the standard Fireworks code that is output by the program. The code looks like this:

          function MM_swapImgRestore&#40;&#41; &#123; //v3.0
            var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for&#40;i=0;a&&i<a.length&&&#40;x=a&#91;i&#93;&#41;&&x.oSrc;i++&#41; x.src=x.oSrc;
          function MM_preloadImages&#40;&#41; &#123; //v3.0
            var d=document; if&#40;d.images&#41;&#123; if&#40;!d.MM_p&#41; d.MM_p=new Array&#40;&#41;;
              var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for&#40;i=0; i<a.length; i++&#41;
              if &#40;a&#91;i&#93;.indexOf&#40;"#"&#41;!=0&#41;&#123; d.MM_p&#91;j&#93;=new Image; d.MM_p&#91;j++&#93;.src=a&#91;i&#93;;&#125;&#125;
          function MM_findObj&#40;n, d&#41; &#123; //v4.01
            var p,i,x;  if&#40;!d&#41; d=document; if&#40;&#40;p=n.indexOf&#40;"?"&#41;&#41;>0&&parent.frames.length&#41; &#123;
              d=parent.frames&#91;n.substring&#40;p+1&#41;&#93;.document; n=n.substring&#40;0,p&#41;;&#125;
            if&#40;!&#40;x=d&#91;n&#93;&#41;&&d.all&#41; x=d.all&#91;n&#93;; for &#40;i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++&#41; x=d.forms&#91;i&#93;&#91;n&#93;;
            for&#40;i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++&#41; x=MM_findObj&#40;n,d.layers&#91;i&#93;.document&#41;;
            if&#40;!x && d.getElementById&#41; x=d.getElementById&#40;n&#41;; return x;
          function MM_swapImage&#40;&#41; &#123; //v3.0
            var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for&#40;i=0;i<&#40;a.length-2&#41;;i+=3&#41;
             if &#40;&#40;x=MM_findObj&#40;a&#91;i&#93;&#41;&#41;!=null&#41;&#123;document.MM_sr&#91;j++&#93;=x; if&#40;!x.oSrc&#41; x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a&#91;i+2&#93;;&#125;
          I have it saved on my server as a .js file, that I link into the pages. ...If you're able to modify the code to get it to work alongside your highlight.js, in Internet Explorer, it could be a great thing to post on your main site, since Fireworks is used so widely.


          • #6
            Did you get my HTML file that I e-mailed you? Is this topic dead or shall I wait a couple days for some results?


            • #7
              Re: Koine Greek

              Originally posted by Ephesians3seven
              ...If you're able to modify the code to get it to work alongside your highlight.js, in Internet Explorer, it could be a great thing to post on your main site, since Fireworks is used so widely.
              We can not modify or provide modifications for third party code.

              However, here is a previous thread that discusses the jump to highlighting script conflict with the Fireworks popup script, which might be of help:

              Have you tried the alternative methods of calling the highlighting script that were described on our support page? This has proven to fix the problems for some other scripts like Adobe GoLive's MenuMachine as discussed here:
              Wrensoft Web Software
              Sydney, Australia
              Zoom Search Engine


              • #8
                I just got the e-mail. It was a public holiday here in Australia yesterday (Queen's Birthday). I'll get back to you once I get a chance to test out the Koine Greek webpage.
                Wrensoft Web Software
                Sydney, Australia
                Zoom Search Engine


                • #9
                  Have just confirmed that the V5.0 "jump to highlighting" script will work with Koine Greek in UTF-8 encoding.
                  Wrensoft Web Software
                  Sydney, Australia
                  Zoom Search Engine


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ray
                    Have just confirmed that the V5.0 "jump to highlighting" script will work with Koine Greek in UTF-8 encoding.
                    If I may say, "Praise the Lord!" Awesome!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ray View Post
                      Have just confirmed that the V5.0 "jump to highlighting" script will work with Koine Greek in UTF-8 encoding.
                      Ray, I have the beta version of V5. Is that the same highlight.js file that will be in the final release? Is it possible to ensure that the highlight.js will work when there are other .js files being used on a page? Your highlight.js is the only javascript that I (personally) have used that does not seem to work when I have other javascript code working on a page (such as the rollover js already referred to in this thread). By the way, my preference is always to make my javascript an external .js file, whenever possible.


                      • #12
                        In fact it does work with most other Javascript code. It is only occasionally that there is an unwanted interaction. It is impossible to ensure there is no interaction with all current and future snippets of Javascript code. The quantity and variation of existing code is too great to test all possible combinations. Plus the behaviour in different browsers is different as well.

                        As the highlight script effects the HTML of the entire page, some interaction with other scripts, which also modify HTML on the fly, is to be somewhat expected.

                        For our point of view, it is their code that breaks ours. Not the other way around


                        • #13
                          I understand. However, I think the rollover javascript code (already quoted in this thread) is pretty standard code and the highlight.js doesn't work in Internet Explorer when this rollover js code is there. Is it possible to offer a couple different highlight.js files, as alternates? I am not saying offer many of them, but at least a couple more? ones that could be used in a couple typical situations?


                          • #14
                            I wouldn't say that's "standard" at all. There are many different ways of doing the rollover effect, and that is certainly far from the most common one in my experience. It might be part of the current version of Macromedia Fireworks, but not everybody uses that - and there's no guarantee that Macromedia won't change it in the next version.

                            The fact is that, there is no universal solution which will work compatibly with all Javascripts out there. That is just the nature of Javascript and the haphazardous world of web development and browser environments.

                            We will certainly continue to look at ways to improve the highlight script, and where possible, make it less likely for it to be effected by other scripts. But there is an extent as to how much is possible and while we understand that every user would like to have it "just work" with their particular site (everyone also claims to have the most common scripts, but then they all have different scripts!), understand that there is only so much we can do and one alternative method is just as likely to break another set of "common" scripts.
                            Wrensoft Web Software
                            Sydney, Australia
                            Zoom Search Engine

