I have a CGI version of Zoom implemented and am including the search.cgi file using this php:
The problem arises when I do an exact search using quotes "" that returns no results. I get the following error:
I also get an error message that pops up in IE saying:
Can you help me figure out what code to add so that it simply says there aren't any results?
If there are no results in normal search it says no results, and exact searches with matches work fine.
I have a CGI version of Zoom implemented and am including the search.cgi file using this php:
<?php $QSTRING = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; while (list ($header, $value) = each ($HTTP_GET_VARS)) { $QSTRING = $QSTRING.'&'.$header.'='.$value; } virtual("/cgi-bin/search.cgi".'?'.$QSTRING); ?>
Warning: virtual() [function.virtual]: Unable to include '/cgi-bin/search.cgi?zoom_query=%22brand+guide%22&zoom_per_p age=10&zoom_and=1&zoom_sort=0&zoom_query=\"brand guide\"&zoom_per_page=10&zoom_and=1&zoom_sort=0' - request execution failed in d:\server2go\htdocs\zsearch.php on line 38
search.cgi.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program.
An error log is being created.
An error log is being created.
If there are no results in normal search it says no results, and exact searches with matches work fine.