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Confused with template file problems with GoLive CS

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  • Confused with template file problems with GoLive CS

    My website is in test mode at the moment on and I use Go Live CS

    I have set up the search box in a Component which appears on each of the pages, but I cannot get the search results to appear correctly. I have amended the search_template file and set it up as a 3 Row table. The top row of the Table is a Component which is the main header, this also contains the search box. The middle row is where I want the search results to appear. The bottom row of the table is another Component.

    When I run the search, the results page appears with lots of blanks where the top and bottom of the table are meant to be.

    Anyone offer any reason as to what is going wrong?

    I would add that I am a novice, this is my first website, so expect to see a few errors elsewhere......

  • #2
    I think you have really messed up the HTML template file.

    There are all kinds of crazy stuff in it now. Like this,

    <link href="file:///Work%20Files/Lynden%20Barrington%20Website/web-content/Text%20Files/styles/Text.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

    You have also deleted the all important tag,

    from the template file. Which means the search results appear at the bottom of the page (not in the middle).

    You could fix the file, but it might be quicker to delete your template file and start again. Then take small steps adding things one at a time.



    • #3
      Template Changes

      Thanks for your advice. I have re-created the template file from the indexer. I have added a 3 row, 1 column table and added 1 picture to the top row. I copied and pasted the Zoom information to the middle Row, but when I run the test, it is still producing the results underneath the table, not in Row 2.

      I am obviously still doing something wrong.

      I have uploaded a test page to the live site at It has some pictures missing, but the search is loaded correctly.

      Any help would be appreciated.



      • #4
        Your "search_template.html" file is, again, missing the crucial line:
        I think I can take a reasonable guess as to why though. It appears that GoLive CS has an export option to strip HTML comments. This would remove the necessary line that Zoom requires.

        According to the following URL, this option is located in "Export Site Options"->"Strip Options...", and you have to uncheck the option for "Comments".

        As documented below, this is what Adobe says about the feature:
        Comments: deletes all HTML comments (e.g. ) from the page. Comments can be used to hide
        unused or outdated content, or add instructions to someone else working on the pages both of which are not suited
        to be published on the Web. Be careful when using this option for server side includes and templates, as some server
        side processing scripts and content management systems make use of comments to control execution.
        See this Adobe GoLive document for more information:

        Turning this off will prevent this from happening again. But you will have to re-insert that comment again (or re-create the template yet again) first.
        Wrensoft Web Software
        Sydney, Australia
        Zoom Search Engine


        • #5
          Template Changes

          Thank you. I did as you suggested, and reuploaded the file and now the search results do appear in the Table in Row 2.

          Now I can continue and add in the formatting.

          Thanks again, I would never have discovered that one!


