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Results order not as expected - searching file names

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  • Results order not as expected - searching file names


    I am interested in pages with the searchword(s) contained within filename to have a much higher rating than those merely containing the word within the title/page.

    However, despite amending the weighting (+/-5 boost) within the configuration screen, the order of many search results are unchanged.

    If I have a page called "paints.html" and another called "brushes.html", I would expect the "paints.html" to appear higher up in the rankings than "brushes.html" should a user enter "paints" within the search box.

    However, what appears to happen is that the word count within the page is still rated much higher than the filename, so if "brushes.html" contains the word "paints" more time than the "paints.html" it still gets displayed first, regardless of the weightings.

    I even tried boosting the filename to +5 option and the others to -5, but it made no difference.

    Any ideas ?

    Many thanks


  • #2
    Could you post the URLs to the two files in question (brushes & paints) so that we can examine the page content so as to better understand what is happening.

    What you are describing can happen. If the paints page doesn't actually talk much about paints then it can get ranked lower for that word, compared to a page that does talk a lot about paint. (Despite the file name)

    A possible solutions might be to add a few meta keywords in the paints file. e.g.
    <meta name="ZOOMWORDS" content="paint painting paints outdoor paints indoor paints">

    You should also turn on the display of the 'score' in the search results. That way you can see more subtle moves in the rankings.



    • #3
      Also check the following:
      • Make sure you have "filename" enabled for indexing (in the "Indexing Options" tab of the Configuration window)
      • Disable "dots" from allowing words to be joined together in the same "Indexing Options" tab of the Configuration window

      The latter would have distinguished "brushes.html" from "brushes", which would mean that a search for "brushes" may not have been matched against the filename. Turning this off would allow the filename to be indexed as "brushes" and "html", which would be closer to achieving what you're after.
      Wrensoft Web Software
      Sydney, Australia
      Zoom Search Engine


      • #4
        Order sorting


        We forgot about disabling the "dots" from joining words together....

        Works a heck of a lot better since we did that.

        Many thanks,


