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Cannot get asp, cgi or aspx search page to work

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  • Cannot get asp, cgi or aspx search page to work

    I am missing something somewhere.
    W2003 server with Sharepoint services. CGI and ASP enabled in IIS.
    Frontpage 2003
    Zoom Pro
    about 2,500 documents indexed

    ASP way---

    When I create a hyperlink to search.asp all I get displayed is the code in the file.

    CGI way ---

    All I get is cannot execute error.

    ASPX ---

    Your how to create an ASPX search page way too general. Just create a new page with an aspx extension and add your code?!?

    I do not get which line to specifically remove from search_template.html. Just the tags <html> and <head> or all of the code between them along with the tags?

    Pardon my mine blanking in this.


  • #2
    Re: Cannot get asp, cgi or aspx search page to work

    Originally posted by celarsen
    ASP way ---
    When I create a hyperlink to search.asp all I get displayed is the code in the file.
    Are you accessing the search.asp file from your web server or are you opening it directly off your local machine? These are server-side scripts. They need to be accessed via the web server through a http:// address.

    Remember that, even if you are running the server locally, it still needs to be located in one of the folders being hosted by the server, and you still need to access it via a http:// address (eg. http://localhost/mysite/search.asp/) in order for it to be executed correctly.

    If you are sure you are accessing the file via IIS, and you are still just seeing the source code, then your server must not have ASP enabled or setup correctly, and you should contact your web host.

    CGI way ---
    All I get is cannot execute error.
    Again, make sure you are actually accessing the CGI via your web server, and not just opening the file locally.

    If, as mentioned above, your web server is not configured to provide ASP support, then the chances of it being setup for binary CGI support is even lower. Binary CGI is a more demanding configuration (which is why many cheap web hosting companies do not offer it). It can be more difficult to setup, so we would recommend getting ASP working first if you are struggling with that.

    FYI, there are more CGI support questions here:

    In particular, if you are running the server yourself, refer to this question regarding setting up binary CGI support for IIS on Windows Server 2003.

    ASPX way ---
    Your how to create an ASPX search page way too general. Just create a new page with an aspx extension and add your code?!? I do not get which line to specifically remove from search_template.html. Just the tags <html> and <head> or all of the code between them along with the tags?
    If your CGI is not working, there is no point to using the ASPX method. As stated in our instructions, this method requires that you have a working CGI search page before you proceed.

    The ASPX method only allows you to create a wrapper for the CGI version. This is only of use if you wish to integrate it within an ASP.NET website, and you _must_ have an ASPX search page. If you have the CGI version working, and you still wish to pursue this method, then get back to us.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine

