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Can Zoom be used for navigation on the same page (many data)

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  • Can Zoom be used for navigation on the same page (many data)

    I have very long list of terms on some pages.Is it possible to place search box on page , and use it for navigation on that page only?I mean "if term is not present show dialog message (term is not present on page please...etc.) otherwise jump to that term on page".I think it can be very useful for some long pages with many different data.

  • #2
    You might want to take a look at the "jump to match" option:

    This would not add in-page searching capabilities (you would need a different script for that, although, that would really just be a replication of the "Find" feature that is built into all browsers). However the above "jump to match" functionality will allow clickthrus from the Zoom search results to highlight and jump to the occurance of the matched words on the page itself. See the above link for more information.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      I need more help

      I think that can be very useful to attach possibility for find/jump-on same page in Zoom.Highlighting is good method but this can be something new and I think very interesting.If you can help me whith new script or some concrete advice please help me.


      • #4
        This would require some custom development. Probably several hours work, in not days.

        However if you want to write a script like this I would suggest starting by looking at the Javascript, find command which, finds the specified text string in the contents of the specified window. (JavaScript 1.2).

        find([string[, caseSensitive, backward]])

        When a string is specified, the browser performs a case-insensitive, forward search. If a string is not specified, the method displays the Find dialog box, allowing the user to enter a search string.

        There are also several public solutions which do similar tasks that you might be able to adapt for your site with some work. e.g.

        Another solution would be to take your long pages and divide them up into several smaller pages.



        • #5
          Ok I will try.

