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Displaying context from a page

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  • Displaying context from a page

    I am trying to display some of the text from the page that is returned from the search result, however their is javascript on the pages that i am returning. So every single result says. "...Javascript is Disabled, please enable it. CONTENT IS CORRECT HERE... ". Any idea how to get this to stop doing it. I figure maybe something to parse for that string or enabling java in the indexer. If it is possible to edit whatever indexes the site to add a string parser into it please let me know what file to edit. Have a great one and hopefully someone can help me.

  • #2
    I assume this means you have something like the following in your web page HTML:

        .. your javascript here
        Javascript is Disabled, please enable it.
    The noscript content would be indexed by Zoom and displayed in the search results. If you wish to skip this content, you need to make use of the and tag like so:

        .. your javascript here
        Javascript is Disabled, please enable it.
    See chapter 6.5 of the Users Guide for more information:
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      Still having trouble. I pu the and around my javascript thing and it is still showing up. I did a project wide search in visual studio and it found no other occurences of the string. I then changed the word javascript to mavahipt and the word JavaScript is still showing up in the indexer. I think that the error might be generated in the backend of visual 2005 ( 2.0) somewhere. I will begin research after lunch today any more suggestions?[/i]


      • #4
        It might be that you are now indexing cached pages. And the changes being made to your web site are not being reflected in Zoom becuase of this.

        You can turn off caching and force a file download from your site, from the Zoom configuration window. On the general tab.



        • #5
          That fixed it thank you!

