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Format of "x pages of results"

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  • Format of "x pages of results"

    I want to change the format of the results page, namely "Search results for...", "Number of results", and "x pages of results". I know that I can use css to change the text format, but I want to reposition them. Is this only possible by changing the script (which I can't do)?
    I really want to get this information on one line (see Google) in order to get the actual results as high up the page as possible, i.e. just one line saying "x results for <search term> (y pages)"

  • #2
    You can do alot of customizing via CSS, and you can position them differently to certain extents. However, you probably won't be able to change the order in which variables are displayed (as in your example, having the number of results appear before the search term), and in which case, you would need to modify the search script (which is possible for the PHP, ASP, and JS versions).

    There are alot of possibilities with CSS however and it is worth investigating if you can achieve something similar. For example, the "display:inline" property would allow block elements to appear on the same line - however, Zoom has a few BR's hard coded (which you may be able to suppress via more CSS). You can also position things around the pages with position, float, and other layout properties.

    Note that you can also modify the text messages (eg. the "Search results for" text) via the Language files in the Configuration window, under the Languages tab.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine

