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can you install and run zoom on a web server?

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  • can you install and run zoom on a web server?

    the reason I ask is it seems to make sense to install and schedule zoom to run weekly on the server rather than a remote PC and upload the files - cuts out the possibilities of the PC being down/off, the internet being dead (as is very normal in Oz, cheers Telstra) etc etc

    has anyone done this, and what are the pros and cons


  • #2
    The Indexer should run fine on any Windows server that satisfies the system requirements.

    If you are in full control of your server, the install is an easy job. If you are using shared hosting from a web hosting company, then you might find it bureaucratically more complicated to get it installed. Some web hosting companies are flexible and you'll have no problem. Others won't even answer your phone call.

    A tip would be to create a seperate user account for scheduling indexes, and to schedule indexing to happen when the server is least busy to minimize server load.

    You can also output directly to the web shared folder and skip the need to FTP or copy the files after indexing.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine

