I've downloaded the free version of Zoom 4.2, to make some tests and see if I like this software
My website has more than 2400 htm-pages so I have to purchase the professional edition
I'm having problems with IE, but not always
If I type torrecerredo or urriellu in my serach-box a new window opens with all the links... until everything's fine, but when I try to open some of the links, the new page opens fine and jumps to the match, but after loading the page there's a pop-up window saying that
IE could not open the page...
Operation cancelled
...and then the page goes "Server could not be found"
It's not in all the pages, just in some, and I can't figure out what's going wrong, with firefox I don't have any problems
Any help
my website is www.vizcares.com
I've downloaded the free version of Zoom 4.2, to make some tests and see if I like this software
My website has more than 2400 htm-pages so I have to purchase the professional edition
I'm having problems with IE, but not always
If I type torrecerredo or urriellu in my serach-box a new window opens with all the links... until everything's fine, but when I try to open some of the links, the new page opens fine and jumps to the match, but after loading the page there's a pop-up window saying that
IE could not open the page...
Operation cancelled
...and then the page goes "Server could not be found"
It's not in all the pages, just in some, and I can't figure out what's going wrong, with firefox I don't have any problems
Any help
my website is www.vizcares.com