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?zoom_highlight= jams the javascript menu

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  • ?zoom_highlight= jams the javascript menu

    The content of my menu is not being indexed - that's OK. However, when I click on a result to get to the page found by the search, with the highlight feature turned on, words in the menu are also highlighted - which is not the end of the world - however, what is a problem is that the menu stops working...! Solution?

    See here with the highlight on:

    See menu working properly without the highlight on:

  • #2
    To clarify for other readers - this is regarding the "Jump to highlighting" feature specifically as documented here:

    The problem here is that the jump to highlighting javascript (highlight.js) conflicts with the functionality of your javascript menu. Unfortunately, this is the nature of Javascripts in general, and there is no way we can ensure that they would all work harmoniously as every javascript can do things differently and have different dependencies. We know that the highlighting script works fine with other popup/dropdown javascript navigation menus, so the problem may be related to how this particular script is implemented.

    You may need to look into what your javascript menu is depending on (eg. does it need to be initialized before or after the highlighting operation?), experiment with different ways of calling it, etc. You could also try the alternative method to calling the highlight function as explained in the above URL (by using the script tag at the end of the page), but again there is no guarantee that this would work. It all depends on what your menus are trying to do.

    If you are not familiar with scripting, then it might be best to disable the jump to highlighting feature on this site.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3

      Would you have a dropdown navigation menu script that you know works with PHP / Javascript? I'll just ditch this one (MenuMachine) and get another one that works with Zoom Search. If you know one - it would save me a lot of time... Thanks in advance.


      • #4
        Got it!

        If you ever get somebody else in the following situation:
        - Adobe GoLive with the MenuMachine plug-in promoted on the Adobe website.

        Here are the 2 important steps that need to be done for your zoom_highlight to work without interfering with the javascript menu generated by MenuMachine:

        1) Position the javascript menu exactly where MenuMachine & Adobe want it. In Adobe GoLive, under the "Special" menu, select "MenuMachine", then "Fix Code Location".

        This in itself won't make it work... You also need to do the following:

        2) For Zoom, do not use the <body onload="highlight();">.
        Instead, use: <script type="text/javascript">highlight();</script>
        WITHIN the body (between <body> and </body>), positioned just before the <div> tag containing the codes for the javascript menu ( <div id="bbML" (etc) >

        It works...

