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Search a Page But Not Include It in the Index??

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  • Search a Page But Not Include It in the Index??

    I dynamically create Knowledge Base Articles from a database. Since none of the articles actually exist as pages to be indexed by Zoom, I created an "Article Title" page (/article_index.php)with all the articles & their links for Zoom to use to then "create" and index each page.

    My idea works great except for one thing: my Index pages shows up on the results page along with the appropriate articles. It is a little confusing.

    Is there a way to have Zoom index my "/article_index.php" using the links on it but when creating the index of articles, it does not include the /article_index.php in it? Or is there a better way for Zoom to create an index of dynamically created pages? Thanks.

  • #2
    Yes. You can add a robots meta tag with "noindex", like so:

    <meta name="robots" content="noindex">

    Making sure Zoom is configured to enable "robots.txt" support.

    If it is a start point, you can specify the option to "Follow links only" as an Advanced Spider URL option by clicking on the "More" button next to the spider URL and then "Edit".
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine

