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Searching for International Characters

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  • Searching for International Characters

    Hi folks. Just bought the program yesterday, and after figuring out that I had to turn off my Norton virus protection to get the software to fully scan, Zoom is now working smashingly! My only problem so far is that it's not reading all my international characters as they appear on the site. We're a movie and music review site, and while the program is picking up mentions of, say, Buñuel and Almodóvar just fine, it's not recognizing others. For example, if someone searches for "Bjork," no mentions of "Björk" will show up (I've made sure to check off umlauts and ligatures). Of course, since the program is not reading other Sweedish/Dutch/Danish accented names (like, say, Jørgensen), I'm assuming the solution lies there somewhere. Any help would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Well, in addition to the problem above, it seems that I have a second one: The program is crashing whenever I try to exclude a folder or directory. Right now, I'm trying to prevent the spider from accessing my forum (e.g. With or without my Norton software enabled, the program crashes and gives me the following error:

    Error: Access Violation at 0x0044A0B3 (tried to read from 0x017834FC), program terminated.

    If I delete the "/forum/" exclusion I currently have in the Skip Options section, the program works fine. Anyone know why THIS problem might be happening? Thanks!


    • #3
      Re: Searching for International Characters

      Originally posted by repulsion
      For example, if someone searches for "Bjork," no mentions of "Björk" will show up (I've made sure to check off umlauts and ligatures).
      The option you're most likely referring to is "Enable accent/diacritic insensitivity" in the Languages tab of the Configuration window. You should turn this on for umlauts and ligatures if you wish to allow "Bjork" to match "Björk". You should also make sure your charset encoding selected in the same tab matches the charset encoding specified on your webpages. You would have to re-index and re-upload your files after making these changes - let us know if this still does not work.

      As for the crash bug, can you tell us which version and build of Zoom you are using? You can check this by clicking on Help->About. The latest public release is Version 4.0 Build 1016 which can be downloaded from:

      If you continue to get the above problems, send us your ZCFG file by e-mail (see our Contact Us page) and we will take a closer look. If possible, include a screenshot of the crash, and provide any additional information as to when the crash occurs (at the start/end of indexing? whilst indexing a certain file? is it indexing a plugin supported file format? etc.)
      Wrensoft Web Software
      Sydney, Australia
      Zoom Search Engine

