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Wildcard * displays and highlights HTML code in result page

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  • Wildcard * displays and highlights HTML code in result page

    Hi again!

    I'm using the Javascript Pro 5.1 version.

    When I perform a search using a wildcard preceeding the search term (i.e., *_user_test) , the highlighted result displays the correct search term plus HTML code. For example:

    The HTML line is:

    The search query is:

    The highlighted result is:
    (the <code> formatting display is now disabled, and the highlighted result does not display correct formatting - just "normal" text. The html <code> is included in the highlighted text)

    Another search query:

    The highlighted result is:
    Correct! HTML code does not display and the text is correctly formatted.

    Another search query:

    The highlighted result is correct:
    Correct! HTML code does not display and the text is correctly formatted.

    It appears that when entering a wildcard at the beginning of my search term results in the preceeding HTML to be displayed, but entering a wildcard at the end of my search term is not a problem.

    Here's some background on my highlight script:
    A few months back, I was having a problem with the highlighting script. My pages would not scroll to the first highlighted word due to the presence of frames. I received a new highlight script from you and it's worked beautifully since. I do not know if this error occurs with the old (original) highlight script, but I can test if you think the new script may have something to do with this display error.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks so much!

  • #2
    The problem appears in both IE7 and FireFox3.


    • #3
      We could not reproduce the problem. Can you e-mail us the files (ZIP up the HTML page, and the highlight.js you are using) and tell us what your search query is (what appears after "?zoom_highlight=") and we'll take a look.
      Wrensoft Web Software
      Sydney, Australia
      Zoom Search Engine


      • #4
        Thank you. I emailed the files.


        • #5
          Wildcard * displays recommended links and nothing else for me.


          • #6
            mtg169, I think you are describing a very different issue. This thread is about the "jump to highlighting" script, not the highlighting on your search results (nor recommended links).

            Searching for nothing but a single "*" is also not a supported query. That's not what this thread was originally referring to - just the idea of having a "*" as part of a query, e.g. "*test"

            And to close the thread, we have received and looked at the files from JG867 and have been conversing through e-mail. The problem described in the original post was solved by using the V6 beta highlight script.
            Wrensoft Web Software
            Sydney, Australia
            Zoom Search Engine

