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Zoom V6 Pre Release Screen shots

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  • Ray
    Here's a sneak preview of the upcoming V6.0 of Zoom:

    Below is the new Log window which features real-time filtering (so you can check on and off the log messages and it will update immediately). This allows you to track down Error/broken link messages much easier.

    And this is the new Custom Meta Fields functionality, that allows you to index and search meta fields. This is a popular request for people indexing online shops, product catalogs, etc.

    ... more information and new features to come!

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  • David
    There are some details of V6 in this older post although the feature list has changed slightly since that post.

    We have a few people testing (a feature imcomplete) alpha releases at the moment. There is no fixed release date, but we are still aiming for 3rd qtr of 2008, at least for a feature complete beta.

    We'll post some screen shots in the next day or so.

    And in case you were thinking of holding off a purchase of V5, and waiting for V6. The upgrade to V6 will be a free upgrade if you have purchased the V5 software in the 6 months before the V6 release. So if you buy V5 now, you'll get V6 for free.

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  • Maxximus
    started a topic Zoom V6 Pre Release Screen shots

    Zoom V6 Pre Release Screen shots


    When will the new version of Zoom search completed.

    Are there pictures of it?