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Restrict like Google?

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  • Restrict like Google?


    Does your software allow the equivelent of this Google search query:

    advantage filetypedf

    So that it:

    a) searches for "advantage"
    b) restricts the results by URL (
    c) only returns PDF files

    I know you could do something like this with the categories functionality, but I do not want this option to be fixed, and in the drop down box. It should be flexible.

  • #2
    You can search a filename (or file type) conditionally by using wildcards. For example, "*.pdf" would return all PDF files. "reports_*.doc" would return all DOC files beginning with "reports_". To do this, you will need to have "Filename" enabled in the "Indexing Options" of the configuration window.

    So a search for "advantage *.pdf" with "match all search words" selected, and a category option that limits to the URL of "", would perform the equivalent search in Zoom.

    But as you said, the categories option only provides search conditions via a drop-down box and these conditions would have to be pre-determined. However, we have been considering dynamic search conditions (like the Google style) as a Version 5.0 feature, and it may be introduced then, depending on user demand.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine

