A user searched for "tinea v*" (no quotes) and got the result
But neither the first result (which should have been the one with "all" search terms) nor any of the other results on the first page of results included both search terms even though there is one (and only one) page that has both tinea and a word starting with v (v*).
The user was looking for tinea versicolor. I recreated the search with the following search terms:
tinea ve* - similar results as above
tinea ver* - similar results as above
tinea vers* - correct results with tinea and vers* found on first page.
You can re-create this at:
using username: tester and password: tester (valid through 7/31/0
I'm curious why it says it's found both search terms but doesn't list this page as the first search result even though I know it's there.
Not a big issue but I'm just trying to understand the intricacies of the search process.
Any ideas?
1 result found containing all search terms. 686 results found containing some search terms.
The user was looking for tinea versicolor. I recreated the search with the following search terms:
tinea ve* - similar results as above
tinea ver* - similar results as above
tinea vers* - correct results with tinea and vers* found on first page.
You can re-create this at:
using username: tester and password: tester (valid through 7/31/0
I'm curious why it says it's found both search terms but doesn't list this page as the first search result even though I know it's there.
Not a big issue but I'm just trying to understand the intricacies of the search process.
Any ideas?