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Changing default search mode

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  • Changing default search mode

    Many of my users are not at all sophisticated about searching. I've created tutorials to try to teach them how to use the asterisk wildcard but this is beyond the reach of some.

    Would it be possible to change something so that by default, Zoom searches were done as if the search string was enclosed in asteriskes (ie. searching for barr would automatically return results as if one searched for *barr*)?


  • #2
    This is generally not a good idea, in most cases. If you think about it, searches for the word "car" would match "carnage", "carriage", "wildcard", "landcare", etc. and bring on far more matches than sensible. This would be more confusing than helpful for most users.

    But if you really do want this behaviour, you can find it on the "Languages" tab of the Configuration window. There's a checkbox for "Substring match for all searches". It is designed really for Eastern/Asian languages where spacing characters are not used to separate words.

    This FAQ may also be of interest:
    Q. How do I perform advanced searches (or what search tips can I provide to my users)?
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      Thanks. I'll play around with it both ways to see which is best.

      It would be cool if I could give users an option about this. Something like a checkbox they could check to give them the option of searching the standard way or with "substring matches for all searches". Maybe for a future version?


