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French and English Search pages

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  • French and English Search pages

    I am working on a site searching pdf catalogs and it works great . . . until I try the french page - HELP

    I created the english page, altered the css to what I wanted -tested and was very pleased. I made a copy of that page (still same css) changed my configuration file in Zoomsearch to french, reindexed the site (same catalogs, english) and output the files to a french/search/directory to keep french and english seperate, changed settings.js to point to the right search and page_info the proudly pressed enter on search


    Nothing that looks like it picked up anything from the css - no box and background, font size colour etc in searchform and no categories, submit NADA

    Having spent a few hours on it and making no progress, (AFTER reading the advanced section on languages) I humbly ask for help

    Thanks for your time

    Greg Stephenson

  • #2
    It is probalby a simple mistake. Is this for a CD or a web site? If ti for a web site, can you tell us the URL for the non working french page. Or if for a CD can you Zip up the files and E-mail them to us. This is probably quicker than trying to guess at want might be wrong without seeing the problem.


    • #3
      Thank you for response - it is very likely a simple mistake but it has eluded me for hours so either the mistake or the operator is simple - we shall see.
      here is the non working search,

      and here is the english search
      Try something broad like "air hose" if you wish - I cannot for the life of me see the differences, but have this nagging feeling it has to do with location of files and links.
      Thank you , by the way, for the software - my client is pleased, they have not had search capabilities for their .pdf's before - they now realize they have to produce all the catalogs in french as well - not my issue.

      Thanks for your time


      • #4
        oops - forgot to mention - it is using Javascript - only until it gets placed on clients server as my server will not suport other methods


        • #5
          The problem is you have incorrectly linked to "search.js" and "settings.js" in the "search_fr.html" file.

          Generally, the search files should be placed in the same folder as the search page. You appear to have them in different directories.

          In addition to that, your links are pointing to the wrong locations where the files are not hosted.

          On this page here:

          You have the following:

          <script language="JavaScript" src="_french/search/settings.js"></script>
          <script language="JavaScript" src="_french/search/search.js"></script>
          This implies that the script files are to be found at the following locations:

          Since the files are not actually located at such paths, this fails. If you turn on script debugging in IE (or look at the Error console in Firefox) you will actually see an error appear as opposed to nothing.

          You need to fix these paths to point to where the files are. Ideally, you would put these files in the same directory as the search page which is the default and recommended use.
          Wrensoft Web Software
          Sydney, Australia
          Zoom Search Engine


          • #6
            <blush> you win! </blush>
            My intention to keep separate areas for files, and linking to their locations did me in - this grey hair must be sinking in deeper.

            Thank you very much, I copied the search_fr.htm to the _french/search directory, changed the location in the seach.js and it woiks en francais - voila (I guess)

            It may well have been obvious to you and I thank you for your time - although I had suspected where I may have messed up, I could not fix it, I can now move on - It is rewarding to ask assistance and within the same day solve the issue - From Gabriola Island BC - Thank you very much


